What women want...

ganja girl

New Member
Why is it men don't understand these things about women?

My list in no particular order:

Most women want to look good at all times? Or at least look good to you? Tell us. If you think we are not at our best it behooves you to lie.

When our hair is messy, tell us.

If our perfume is too much, tell us.

If our mascara is smudges, tell us-this one is important.

If we have something in our teeth, tell us.

If we have camel toe, tell us. Guys this one is a big one too.

If we poof (fart) and it smells don't even acknowledge it.

If you don't like our mother, smile and remember, we don't like your ex-wife.

Don't expect us to clean your house. Why would I want to clean your place when I can turn on the TV and catch a game and/or get high? Get real.

If you are going the frig to get something for yourself ask us if we want something. You expect us to fetch for you, so ask us what we want.

Brush your teeth after you eat anything with onions or garlic. Especially if you want some...

Have we gained weight? Once again it behooves you to Lie.

So what if I make more than you do, get over it and yes, you are still buying dinner. How much would you pay to get laid anyway.

Open doors, it makes you look like a gentleman whether or not you are.

If we say someone makes us uncomfortable it is code for, please watch out for me and make me feel safe. We will pay you back in so many ways-get the hint.

If you are driving through a bad neighborhood (even though we told you we didn't want to go) don't drive next to the curb.

If you are walking us down the street walk on the side with the buildings and alleys. She wants to feel protected and it makes her feel special. Yes, even if it is a one night stand.

If your dick is small, make up for it in other ways. Work harder or it will be a one night stand.

Eat pussy like you mean it.

We might be a little wild in bed (or other places), but your friends don't need to know it.

If we are screamers, enjoy it. You'll smile when you remember it-I promise.

For those of us that haven't had children, yes, we know it's tight. If you tell your friends guess what? Believe me on this one, they'll want some too.

Your dog doesn't need to be in the bedroom. A 3-some isn't cool.

Clean your bathroom.

Sneaking pictures of us nake will get you a beat down by our brothers.

Remember our name. Using dear, honey, doesn't really cut it.

More later...


I thought the chivalrous thing to do when walking down the street was for the guy to be closest to the curb, and the woman to be closest to the buildings and alleyways. Not the other way around. That way if a car ever hops the curb the guy gets hit. I usually make it a point to walk closest to the street when with a woman, but only cause I am fairly confident I won't get blasted by a car on the sidewalk. But if the shit hit the fan, you better be a damn special lady if you're with me, cause if not I will probably throw you between me and the car coming over the sidewalk to absorb the impact. Reflexes... can't be mad at the ol' reflexes. But since a car has not come crashing at me and my date on the sidewalk (yet), I am a pretty good date usually.


Well-Known Member
sorta like this guy?


Well-Known Member
Wow... I think I found someone that wouldn't like my ex-wife LOL ;).... and I understand the Latin signature...I came, I saw, but Nappi? That's a family name right?
I think that is either a family name or you were writing Estonian for the word scarce haha LOL ;)....so I'm gonna go with Italian ;)


Well-Known Member
I thought the chivalrous thing to do when walking down the street was for the guy to be closest to the curb, and the woman to be closest to the buildings and alleyways. Not the other way around. That way if a car ever hops the curb the guy gets hit. I usually make it a point to walk closest to the street when with a woman, but only cause I am fairly confident I won't get blasted by a car on the sidewalk. But if the shit hit the fan, you better be a damn special lady if you're with me, cause if not I will probably throw you between me and the car coming over the sidewalk to absorb the impact. Reflexes... can't be mad at the ol' reflexes. But since a car has not come crashing at me and my date on the sidewalk (yet), I am a pretty good date usually.
your right about the safety issue but also it meens your not pimpin....its just respectful for her to walk inside if shes on the outside near the street then your pimpin and someone might try to pull over and pick up your girl


So what you're telling me is by simply switching sides with my girl not only will I not get hit by a car, but I can get some dolla dolla bills? That's win win right there. I might have to switch it up.
( I am only kidding of course... please don't get all up in arms. Never telling what will set kids off these days, and I really don't want an e-fight. )


Active Member
How cool,
Most women won't tell us shit. We're supposed to know. Thanks for info. How come they pretend like they don't like getting ate.
They pretend not to like being complemented' even if were sincere. There still a mystery. I'm sub'd for answers. I hope your grow is going well.


Well-Known Member
rrriiigghtt there all like do it again do it again im all like i rule this shit little mmmhhmmhmhm yeahh..

haha keep'n it real


Well-Known Member
Jay: I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you'll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little fuck
[referring to Silent Bob]
Jay: , none of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it.



Active Member
Why is it men don't understand these things about women?

behooves you to lie.

If you are going the frig to get something for yourself ask us if we want something. You expect us to fetch for you, so ask us what we want.

Have we gained weight? Once again it behooves you to Lie.

So what if I make more than you do, get over it and yes, you are still buying dinner. How much would you pay to get laid anyway.

If you are driving through a bad neighborhood (even though we told you we didn't want to go) don't drive next to the curb.

If your dick is small, make up for it in other ways. Work harder or it will be a one night stand.

Eat pussy like you mean it.

We might be a little wild in bed (or other places), but your friends don't need to know it.

For those of us that haven't had children, yes, we know it's tight. If you tell your friends guess what? Believe me on this one, they'll want some too.

Clean your bathroom.

Remember our name. Using dear, honey, doesn't really cut it.

More later...

sorry, but in my personal opinion

your a fucking horrible woman

your encouraging us to lie, and the things that are not about lying, that are bolded, just makes me want to say WOW

you are definetely not a woman whos personality I would be attracted to

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Why is it men don't understand these things about women?

My list in no particular order:

Most women want to look good at all times? Or at least look good to you? Tell us. If you think we are not at our best it behooves you to lie.

When our hair is messy, tell us.

If our perfume is too much, tell us.

If our mascara is smudges, tell us-this one is important.

If we have something in our teeth, tell us.

If we have camel toe, tell us. Guys this one is a big one too.

If we poof (fart) and it smells don't even acknowledge it.

If you don't like our mother, smile and remember, we don't like your ex-wife.

Don't expect us to clean your house. Why would I want to clean your place when I can turn on the TV and catch a game and/or get high? Get real.

If you are going the frig to get something for yourself ask us if we want something. You expect us to fetch for you, so ask us what we want.

Brush your teeth after you eat anything with onions or garlic. Especially if you want some...

Have we gained weight? Once again it behooves you to Lie.

So what if I make more than you do, get over it and yes, you are still buying dinner. How much would you pay to get laid anyway.

Open doors, it makes you look like a gentleman whether or not you are.

If we say someone makes us uncomfortable it is code for, please watch out for me and make me feel safe. We will pay you back in so many ways-get the hint.

If you are driving through a bad neighborhood (even though we told you we didn't want to go) don't drive next to the curb.

If you are walking us down the street walk on the side with the buildings and alleys. She wants to feel protected and it makes her feel special. Yes, even if it is a one night stand.

If your dick is small, make up for it in other ways. Work harder or it will be a one night stand.

Eat pussy like you mean it.

We might be a little wild in bed (or other places), but your friends don't need to know it.

If we are screamers, enjoy it. You'll smile when you remember it-I promise.

For those of us that haven't had children, yes, we know it's tight. If you tell your friends guess what? Believe me on this one, they'll want some too.

Your dog doesn't need to be in the bedroom. A 3-some isn't cool.

Clean your bathroom.

Sneaking pictures of us nake will get you a beat down by our brothers.

Remember our name. Using dear, honey, doesn't really cut it.

More later...

damn, i as most blokes, just want a sandwich now n then...