Hillary Clinton

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I'm voting for her. She has the most class, integrity and professionalism.

Please help me change my mind... and do it without attacking her.. when you attack her, all I see is YOUR pussy..



Well-Known Member
I'm voting for her. She has the most class, integrity and professionalism.

Please help me change my mind... and do it without attacking her.. when you attack her, all I see is YOUR pussy..


OK first of all, I don't have a pussy so lets make that much clear. You also wouldn't get to see it if I did. What is your first language?

By what agenda do you determine professionalism? She laughs off every serious question posed to her. It's as if someone told a secret joke in a serious political statement and the only one who gets it is her. YouTube it. It's pretty ridiculous.

Next, how do you say she has integrity? She flip flops her answers WITHIN the debates. Most candidates just change their policies once every debate. She does it a couple times within the debate. On rare occasion she even contradicts herself when she speaks more than 4 sentences. She has no idea how to answer questions on Iraq, for example. It's like asking her about taxes, or inflation....she'll just laugh at you like it was such a silly question and then follow up with political street talk and liberal cliches.

Lastly, name one thing she has done. ONE THING. nooooo....not things she TRIED to do (socialized medicine, welfare for all children, kill babies.) but things that she actually ACCOMPLISHED. Its like this big scam. She says how she has bipartisan experience...sure....but not SUCCESS. If you vote for her she will likely be shot in the name of Jihad. Them Iranians aren't exactly afraid of another Clinton.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
lol.... ok... great..

now I know how you feel.. I know how my dog feels when I scratch his back and how my ladies feel when i lick their poon. But I don't give a fook how you feel..

BUT I am interested in facts.. so how about you save the BS and just give the facts so those of us that are not as intelligent as you can make up our own minds..

That post lacks anything but feeling and emotion.. you sound like a pussy to me...

BTW - before you take offense.. I love pussy ahahhaha



Well-Known Member
BUT I am interested in facts..

That post lacks anything but feeling and emotion..
BTW - before you take offense.. I love pussy ahahhaha

Let me dry and cure this for you...here are some excerpts of what i said verbatim:

she even contradicts herself when she speaks more than 4 sentences.

She laughs off every serious question posed to her.

Lastly, name one thing she has done. ONE THING.

Them Iranians aren't exactly afraid of another Clinton.***

***That last one is laced is bias...the others are completely objective.


Well-Known Member
Actually, in like 10 years as a senator she has done nothing that would entitle her to a presidency. I guess that is my UNemotional response....since we have to keep our sentences short....oh wait too long. Nevermind.


Well-Known Member
Her only good policy is her stance on Marijuana. Which makes it reasonable to expect that there would be a lot of clinton supporters on this site.

HOWEVER... The legalization of Marijuana should NOT be the only thing that you base your decision on for a president.

Yeah she wants it legalized. That doesnt mean she's fit to run a country.


Well-Known Member
Her only good policy is her stance on Marijuana. Which makes it reasonable to expect that there would be a lot of clinton supporters on this site.

HOWEVER... The legalization of Marijuana should NOT be the only thing that you base your decision on for a president.

Yeah she wants it legalized. That doesnt mean she's fit to run a country.
I believe your wrong, good sir...She doesn't even support MMJ...She says that we should find what's in it and make it into a drug...She's full of shit. Just watch YouTube - Clinton Answering Medical Marijuana Question


Well-Known Member
Her only good policy is her stance on Marijuana. Which makes it reasonable to expect that there would be a lot of clinton supporters on this site.

HOWEVER... The legalization of Marijuana should NOT be the only thing that you base your decision on for a president.

Yeah she wants it legalized. That doesnt mean she's fit to run a country.
Yea well you can be a single issue voter but its not a good idea. Legalization of weed isn't going to stop street terrorism. The only way to put street gangs out of business is legalize had drugs, as well. If you end the welfare state along with it, the ghettos will be transformed. Suddenly, the people that were enabled by a life of crime need to "do their part." Organized crime may increase, however, with abolishing the DEA. Some people HAVE to lead a life of crime. They know no other way.

I don't think there are 1/2 as many Clinton fans on here as there are Ron Paul. I will prove this with a poll. Hopefully I'm right :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I believe your wrong, good sir...She doesn't even support MMJ...She says that we should find what's in it and make it into a drug...She's full of shit. Just watch YouTube - Clinton Answering Medical Marijuana Question
Hahahhaa! "I think we should...you know....get another government-funded program...you know as BIG as possible...to figure out if we might want to stop raiding dispensaries. I figure, don't take away the control but promise the idea that we might give you a little more liberty in exchange for alot of your tax dollars...then change our minds when the time is safe."


Well-Known Member
The woman voted for the Iraq war and now she won't even admit it's a mistake. If she would just do that instead of yap about G.W. I would have more respect. She is more concerned about public image and opinion than how she actually feels. Barack Obama, now this guy is for real. Voted against Iraq war at a time where everybody thought it would be political suicide. Now he's right b/c he stood up for what he believes. Plus, he smoked weed and snorted coke all through college so we can relate, minus the coke. lol


New Member
The woman voted for the Iraq war and now she won't even admit it's a mistake. If she would just do that instead of yap about G.W. I would have more respect. She is more concerned about public image and opinion than how she actually feels. Barack Obama, now this guy is for real. Voted against Iraq war at a time where everybody thought it would be political suicide. Now he's right b/c he stood up for what he believes. Plus, he smoked weed and snorted coke all through college so we can relate, minus the coke. lol
Heck, I can relate with the coke, a few years back. I certainly put a couple a kilos through my proboscis, Ahh yes, the cola days, I remember them fondly. Used to get elbows for 12K, uncut, Blue flake, zowie the good stuff, ya see I knew this guy...........................


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna stick my two cents in here. Before anyone considers voting for Hillary they need to do some research on Peter Paul, no relation to Ron.
I have watched the devaluation of the dollar. Right after World War II the slogan was, 'You can buy all the things you need for a dollar down and a dollar a week.' The parents of the 50's had lived through the depression, and we were a nation of savers. Going into debt wasn't a good thing.
Television taught us all the things we have to have and how cool we are if we buy everything we can. When we were getting ready to go to war, our President advised us to go out and shop. What happened to support your country by buying savings bonds. We spend more money as a nation then we earn. How do we do this?? We 'realize the American Dream' Home ownership. We are taught we get tax advantages and the value is going up so fast, we can just 'refie' our way to prosperity. I have visited a few countries that have building thousands of years old. We have throw away houses. If its 100 years old its scheduled for tear down. If they can't afford it they don't buy it. If we can't afford it, the Federal Reserve just print more money, we borrow it, and we are owned.
We cannot afford what we have now and Hillary spent 8 years trying to figure out how to get Universal Health Care for ALL Americans, some thing both she and Bill said was just flat going to be done.
Only one candidate seems to understand we simply cannot afford to continue this. Why? Because the rest of the world is not going to continue to finance 'Our American Way Of Life'. The bust in the housing market will be so dramatic if we don't get rid of the expenses of policing the world for the money men, after all you can't build a Billion Dollar War Machine for nothing, and they deserve to get paid for protecting us. We must bring all of our troops home, stop the hemoraging to the military industrial complex.
We need to understand that the IRS is actually not a law, and that the supreme court already decided in 1913 I think, maybe 1915, the 16th Amendment didn't authorize any new taxes.
If we stop spending the money necessary to maintain a presence around the world, we could abolish the already illegal Income Tax. Do that and suddenly home ownership will become more affordable. What?? The price of houses will drop to the level they should be, the ones that can't be sold will become available for rent at an affordable price. We helped to create our current energy crisis by building houses 25% bigger. That trend will change cause no one will buy the larger houses.
And then we get to the wars and the reasons we have to stop both of them now, the 'War' in Iraq and the 'War on Drugs'. There are only two candidates that seem to understand how one fuels the other. LEAP speakers have video's that explain it, Hillary for sure does not understand this. Our 'Foreign Policy' is a joke. We must stop trying to tell the world what they must do, its thier country, stay the f*ck out. Legalize drugs, the right way, stop spending billions of dollars on a failed policy that makes us the enemy of the world. Hillary does not understand this either. I would not vote for anyone that thinks we can 'Govern' our way out of this spend and borrow quaqmire. VV


New Member
Good one VV, just one thing though. When all these home prices come tumbling down, and all the current residents have to evacuate because their home is worth way less than they owe, who is going to pick up those pieces?This sounds like the dream of a first time home buyer.