First Tent Grow - Comments or Advice Needed Please!!!


Active Member
This is my first attempt at growing.

I bought fem seeds.

Aurora Indica, Medi-bud and White Widow Max. I germinated 2 of each.

Germinated in rockwool in a germination dome.

Transplanted seedlings into 50/50 soil/perlite mix. Soil used is Miracle Grow. Every third watering I water with a solution of nutrients with 8-4-4.

I use a 4x4 tent with 400W MH lamp. I have a HPS lamp that I am planning to use for flowering.

I have 2 6" fans to keep the air moving and also a 4" inline duct fan that keeps new air coming into the tent.

This is 6 weeks in.

One of the seedlings had the shell from the seed stuck on the leaves. As this is my first grow I was not sure what to do. I left the shell on and it stunned the seedling growth. Eventually I removed the shell and the seedling recovered but is much smaller than the others.

Any advice or comments will be appreciated.


Supreme Skunk

Active Member
ya man everything looks great, i would recommend using fox farm ocean soil or even jungle grow soil when you move them to bigget pots. People seems to hate on MG alot so i've never really messed with it to much. But your shit looks great so who could complain right?


Well-Known Member
MG has time release chemical fertilizers, so you feeding it more nutrients will eventually burn and stress the plants. If you do transplant, definitely go with some other soil that has earthworm castings and organic ingredients, and you will see the difference.


Active Member
MG has time release chemical fertilizers, so you feeding it more nutrients will eventually burn and stress the plants. If you do transplant, definitely go with some other soil that has earthworm castings and organic ingredients, and you will see the difference.
Thanks for the advice. I am feeding them very little fertilizer and I only give it every 3rd watering. I mixed the fertilizer half of the recommended dosage. I will keep a close eye on them. My pots are 10 gallon pots. Is it required to transplant?? My strains are all short strains.


Active Member
Is this any good??
Miracle-Gro® Organic Choice® Potting Mix

The reason I ask is because I have to order foxfarm online or drive two hours to get it. Are there any other organic soils that you can recommend that is readily available at like Lowe's or Home Depot or my local nursery?


Well-Known Member
I have grown with the organic choice and it was alright. I still prefer non Miracle Grow soil though in general. I like Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Roots Organic for starters. There are plenty of other organic soils out there that are a lot better than MG. And with 10 gallon pots you don't need to transplant. But just go easy on the nutes.


Active Member
I have grown with the organic choice and it was alright. I still prefer non Miracle Grow soil though in general. I like Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Roots Organic for starters. There are plenty of other organic soils out there that are a lot better than MG. And with 10 gallon pots you don't need to transplant. But just go easy on the nutes.
Thanks for the advice mate. I will definitely take it easy on the nutes and also keep a close eye one them. I will also try organic soils for my next setup. From these plants I want to keep one of each strain as a mother and try some cloning. I will update when that happens. Once again thaqnks for all the advice.This is a great site for info and advice.


Active Member
Hi again,

One week later and my girls look good. I wrongfully stated the last time that they are 6 weeks old. They were only 5 weeks old then. I discovered a pic I took the day I placed them in the rock wool to germinate and it was on the 20th of Dec 2009. That would make them 6 weeks old today.

Here are the updated pics.



Active Member
Hi again,:-P

Back at the end of week 7.

Left front and back is Medi-Bud, Middle front and back is White Widow Max, Right Front and back is Aurora Indica. All from Fem seeds I got from

Spraybottle added for scale.

All seems to be very well. I am not home and the wife is tending our "garden". She is doing a standup job!!:clap:

Comments and advice please!!!!



Active Member
Back Again, now 8 weeks into veg.

Wifey is still looking after the girls as I am still out of town. She is still doing a good job. I am planning to start flowering in 2 weeks time.

Comments Please...:leaf:



Well-Known Member
other than a lil over-watering (very common, even i do it to this day look at my soil grows, lol) but they look really good, just keep that foliage on and ur st8!!


Active Member
other than a lil over-watering (very common, even i do it to this day look at my soil grows, lol) but they look really good, just keep that foliage on and ur st8!!
Thanks for the quick response

I have not tried any budsite increasing methods. I have not cut or trained at all. in my next grow I want to experiment with that


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick response

I have not tried any budsite increasing methods. I have not cut or trained at all. in my next grow I want to experiment with that

no problem dood! PM if u really need sum help tho. BUT watever u do DONT cut them leafs off, EVER, if the die let them FALL off. those r the engines of ur girl.

I have an 8 foot grow box, i think it will be fine. I have thought of topping before i start flowering. Or maybe fimming. Any thoughts???
if u topp or fimm, then i would recommend that u give ur girl a good 2-4 week period to "regain conciousness" so to speak. check out my grows in my sig, the I DONT CARE one is my LST plant, and the other is my hydro plant i just topped.


Active Member

no problem dood! PM if u really need sum help tho. BUT watever u do DONT cut them leafs off, EVER, if the die let them FALL off. those r the engines of ur girl.

if u topp or fimm, then i would recommend that u give ur girl a good 2-4 week period to "regain conciousness" so to speak. check out my grows in my sig, the I DONT CARE one is my LST plant, and the other is my hydro plant i just topped.
Thanks man,

I think I will keep going au natural this grow and do those on my next grow