Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?


Elite Rolling Society
Well, mam, I am here to show you all the honor and respect that a real lady deserves.

btw, got any naked pics?


Change your avatar thing or whatever babe! I dont post much on here but def read and educate myself. Why catch feelings if ya dont have a girly icon b/c I was so not tryin to deal with what you are but wasn't about to put my pic on here ya know ;) Hope you have a better day and guys be nice. It's not always PMS when we're upset. It's feelings- something most men do not understand or take into concideration. Have a smoke and a smile =)


really girlie? im a female who realizes i am rolling tough in a male dominated role! so i get why you could be bugged by it if and this is a big IF you had made your self stand out amongst the big boys and the mistake was still going on! and you no what not only do i love low brow gross ass period jokes i am at times a grumpy over reacting bi*** when i have a plug between my legs! so calm down hun... and just make it known your a female in a more SUBTLE way..


Well-Known Member
also note that if it were a nice lil simple request most guys woulda chuckled a bit an moved on. but you had to start the thread bitchin an moaning about a simple mistake. a quick im a chick wit tits woulda sufficed.... hope your "emotions" (rather unsensible actions based on chemical imbalances) get better. oh and ma'am where i am from denotes respect. so how would i know that is annoying or degrading to you.