Hey guys! A little help please!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
MY NEXT 1, sorry guys!
since planting 6 days ago, iv had my 2 125w cfls on for 24/0 constant
Is it advisable to drop my lighting period down to 18/6?
once again, there both auto flowering, Lowryder 2 & LA confidential
i should have spotted that straight away hahah well yeah 18/6 is what your girls need but your going to run into a problem when the LA needs switching to 12/12 as your lowryder for best results needs to stay at 18/6

its a toss up between a bigger yield with the LA in 3 months or a quicker yield with the lowryder. unless you can split the box.

if you cant then you'll have to finish the lowryder on 12/12 which wont give you as much ganj


this is the stuff I O.D'd the poor buggerz on, but hopefully the stuff i would like to use throughout my grow?
any comments on it if ya'll can read it?
iv currently got 2ml - 1L of distilled water (thats full strength)
im gonna drop this to 0.5 - 1L
will this stuff do me for what i need? and when



haha! that was the reply i was looking for don, iv just turnd my light off, so will be back on in 8 hrs and i will work like this from now on
When needed i should be able to seperate the LA down to 12/12 by simply finding sumwere else for it.

what will be the signs that show the LA needs a 12/12 cycle

and if im goin to sperate these 2, do i do it now (6 days in) or wait longer for root strength?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you should be ok with tomato feed not exactly taylor made for dope but close enough!

switching to 12/12 ell that depends on how big you want the plant to be or rather how big the somewhere else you have in mind for it is. a good rule of thumb is to expect the plant to double in height when flowering some say 2.5 X but its pretty strain dependant.

most flip their girls at about 4 weeks veg or about 2ft depending which comes quicker with cfl's id think 2ft might take a while unless you can up the number of cfl's

separate them ASAP the longer you wait the more chance the roots will intertwine and be damaged when you do pull them apart. your stressing them early which is never good but it will be better in the long run.


sh*t, ok so iv just performed my 1st transplant, and unfortuantely it do not go well!,
luckily it was the dead 1 anyway but iv managed to snap of the root about 2.5" from top and lost about 1.5" of root.

iv planted it anyway but i take it i have just killed my LA?

wont be doing that again!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
No it should pull through just give it time.
If you were doing bonsi you would cut the roots down by over ½ and they pull through will slow it down a bit.
What soil are you in?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmmm you never know man but it does sound kinda terminal. sorry for your loss. lesson learned tho.

you might get lucky ?! stranger things have happened


im just using some no frills potting soil bought from homebase (uk)
ill keep it goin anyway and update the result
deffinately lesson learnt!


certainly looks like it!
so i obviously continue to water but hold off on feeding nutes for at least 4 weeks due to the soil?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i was just takin the p

my bad man :)

well sparkjay got 4 pages before we jacked it...

my bad again :lol: at least were not posting fat lasses. what would westy think of me. missed opportunity......


lmao, i like ur style don

so i went ahead and watered as i beleived they were dry enough to do so, not a great more i can do now but wait and see how they go

thanks for all the advice so far fellas and i might just now be on my way to producing some fine quality product (hopefully!)

i will be keepin this thread updated with pics and annoying questions so stay posted boys!

Jacko (no not the dead 1)

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
hahahah i was just takin the p

my bad man :)

well sparkjay got 4 pages before we jacked it...

my bad again :lol: at least were not posting lat lasses. what would westy think of me. missed opportunity......

One thing we havnt touched on is what water is sparky using just thinking tap water? Hopefully left out to breath for a few hrs so you dont poison your plants with chlorine.:!:


lmao, just to put you at rest welsh, im using distilled wated (distilled been melted ice cubes)
thanx for the concern lol!