Public Smoking Keene, NH

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Breaking news up in Keene, New Hampshire. People are lighting up at 4:20 in the town square. So far no arrests. I wonder if this will spread to other towns? There is talk about doing the same stuff in Manchester, NH.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I was there today! Got to give an interview about reforming medical laws and coming up with the times on laws and such :-D


Oracle of Hallucinogens
hehe I've now been there two days in a row!

assholes had:

"No Drug" signs today, with their little kids out.. it's like if you don't want your kids doing "drugs", why the fuck would you bring them to a stoner rally of people smokin pot? hahaha


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I hear that this idea is going to Manch-Vegas (Manchester for you out of state guys ;-) ) soon!


Active Member
dude we should start a new hampshire group......or maybe even a new england group

i think all of new hampshire should that would be amazing haha.
imagine the news the next day haha

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In Manchester NH protests are happening now. This is big news. People standing up and saying no, people that harm nobody acting free and owning their own bodies. NH's pot laws are hypocritical in the face of the state motto - "live free or die" . NH's state reps passed a medical marijuana bill in 2009 (232-108) yet the state senate, likely at the request of the governor squashed it.

If more people do this type of civil disobedience, EVERYWHERE, the facade of "protect and serve" from the police will be revealed. Who are they protecting? Who are they serving? Where is the victim when harmless people make choices about their own body? To secure freedom, some brave people are acting. They deserve our gratitude. The substance of marijuana is irrelevant. If government can own your body over pot, they can own it over anything else they want to. That is not freedom. Many thanks to the brave people who are doing something.


Well-Known Member
I had no idea so many people from NH were on here, I posted something about Sam Dodson when he was arrested a few months back and didn't get even close to 1 page of responses from people.


Active Member
has anyone here gone to placement or county or state in here?? i went to a placement in plymouth called mount prospect when i was 13. and my buddy just got out of county. he said it was mad easy to get stuff in there.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
has anyone here gone to placement or county or state in here?? i went to a placement in plymouth called mount prospect when i was 13. and my buddy just got out of county. he said it was mad easy to get stuff in there.

Were the guards making a little money on the side?

The sad thing is, marijuana will always be easy to obtain despite the draconian
enforcement policies. The only reason the laws remain in place is CONTROL and it's a jobs program for all the various enforcement agencies, prisons and court system .

What's the first thing that comes to mind for a cop when he feels bad about arresting a person for pot? He rationalizes, "I'm just doing my job".
Ruining people's lives who harm nobody..."just doing my job".

There are brave people up in NH putting it on the line...we could all learn from them.