leaves dying


Well-Known Member
Could it be overwatering? Is the soil drying out nicely between watering? Do you stir the top half inch of soil to let air get to the roots?


Well-Known Member
I'm using happy frog soil.

not sure of the pH :s

I'm using floranova grow and floralicioius plus, feeding every 3rd water


Active Member
i would have to say its a ph problem, ph should be 6.5 in soil. so you would need to flush with 6.5ph water. but i would like to see what the doc says he will be on in the next 24hours, he's good! but i have to run.
am i on the right track doc?


Well-Known Member
The new growth looks very healthy, so i am not really sure what it could be, i dont think its anything too serious, but wait for someone with some more experience to help you


Well-Known Member
it's slowly starting to happen to leaves on other plants is why I'm getting worried. but yeah the new growth looks good


Well-Known Member
okay a few more leaves have started to develop the same symptoms. is it possible its something besides pH ?


Well-Known Member
Could also be a nutrient defficiency
I am adding a link that should allow you to examine the photos and decide what you think could be the problem. I would start the process with a good flushing though, that is always a good place to start. I have had the same look before and the flushing usually seems to work at stopping the advance.
I hope this helps and the best of luck to you and your girls.bongsmilie

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I'm using happy frog soil.

not sure of the pH :s

I'm using floranova grow and floralicioius plus, feeding every 3rd water
So how does that work out in regards to NPK? How often and how much are you feeding. It could very well be too much K to N ratio. I don't know why they do it but "Cannabis specific" foods are known to be wacked out regarding proper NPK values, which induces "nutrient antagonism." http://www.totalgro.com/concepts.htm

Having said that, it could be alot of issues. You can't expect a decent response unless we know your daily activities. My first reaction based on your nice photos is mite damage. Sucking insects - thrip, aphids, mites, etc. will pull fluids out of the plant leaving a yellow necrotic spot. Turn the leaves over and inspect with a loupe.

I doubt if it's a pH problem. Blaming everything on pH is the noob's easy way out, as is the push of epsom salts.

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
there are no spider mites. I bleach the entire grow room between each batch and I just bombed before this batch... but there are a few what I think to be fruit flies that I've noticed in the dirt. could they cause this?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the NPK but right now I'm doing a very small about, about 2.5 ml for 3 gallons of water that I let sit for 24 hours. and I do nutes > water > water > repeat