250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
i thought 250w growers were rare. what an awesome thread this is :eyesmoke:
truthfully 250w growers are rare on RIU.. but thought id show the potential of this light on here:eyesmoke: qp's to hp's off this light on a good run man you cant beat that..bongsmiliebongsmilie

tons of growers on other sites ive been on before i found RIU showed me the potential thought id share the love..


i just started my second grow which consists of 2 strawberry cough plants (hopefully both feminine) and a 3 from some good shit i bought and was wondering if there are any tips to growing this strain.


Well-Known Member
I've been growing with my 250w (actually I'm using a 270w) for a few years now and have been very happy with the results. Great for someone growing for personal consumption.

I LOVE not having to buy weed. Plus mine kicks the local bagweed's ass. :)

truthfully 250w growers are rare on RIU.. but thought id show the potential of this light on here:eyesmoke: qp's to hp's off this light on a good run man you cant beat that..bongsmiliebongsmilie

tons of growers on other sites ive been on before i found RIU showed me the potential thought id share the love..


Newbie grower here w/ a 250 watt mh/hps lamp here are pics of my 1st room and 10 day old LA Woman fem. Advice always welcome. Still figuring out the forum stuff so I apologize if this is not the way to post.


Well-Known Member
Newbie grower here w/ a 250 watt mh/hps lamp here are pics of my 1st room and 10 day old LA Woman fem. Advice always welcome. Still figuring out the forum stuff so I apologize if this is not the way to post.
Welcome Veener :bigjoint:, you're posting just fine lol.

If you have any questions ask away, we're really helpful in here.

Here's some general/basic advice:

Optimal temp for growth is 68 low and 78 high.

Optimal humidity is 60-70% Veg and 30-40% Bloom.

Always Ph your water and run off, I like to keep mine around 6.8 for veg and a little lower for bloom.

Start nutes at a 1/4 strength and build up to full strength.

As a soil grower, to check if your plants need water, dig your finger about an inch down from the top soil if it's wet soil it doesn't need watering, if it's dry it needs watering. You can also check your drainage holes as well, same thing if it's dry, water, if it's wet, leave it be.

You might know all this stuff, but just in case you don't.

Hope this helps some and feel free to ask any questions.