Guess the weeks of flower! if you dare


Well-Known Member
So this little experiment was to see what i can do if i went SOG growing...SINCE my cloning is doing well, i figured i would see what the results MIGHT BE:mrgreen: pictures below of my plant. Guess how many weeks she is? Signs are all there. I would give a hint, but anyone i pick will give it away. Guess away! bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
6 weeks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 weeks..

Looks great by the way!!
prob 3 or 4 wks
Id Say 5 Weeks.. Beautiful Plants Man :joint:
6 weeks for me..greaqt plant.
4-6 weeks? plant looks amazing btw
all are close but no cigar! :mrgreen:bongsmilie I can tell ya she is sativa dominant. You can see some yellowing of leaves which means she is closer to finishing than 4-weeks. there is barely any pistils changing which is throwing you guys off.:blsmoke:

Thanks for the compliments! the winner will get a virtual high from my first joint i roll from her
