510 actual watts CFL grow 6 female plants


Well-Known Member
This a homebox small,
6 plants, 2 white widows, 2 strawberry coughs and 2 white widows
510 watts of CFL 85 watts per cfl, 4 of them daylight (5700k) 2 of them warm white (2700k)
The soil is gartengold 5.5ph
Here is the first shot of the coming series, I ll update everyday :)
2 months into veg (with a stunt of growth for 2 weeks in bertween)



Well-Known Member
Looking sweet nice setup u got there &| im digging that space u got to work with ..how long u planning 2 vegg them?


Well-Known Member
I started with only daylight meaning 5700k, but after 5 weeks, I introduced the warm whites while slowly lengthening the dark hours. It is now 18/6
Tomorrow it will be 17/7 and on and on until 12/12 :)


Active Member
Man I love this web site I am no joke starting a 6 plants stealth cabinet just like this soon for my next grow and then adding one more for perpetual harvest
But This is awesome Im Going to be watching closely any question or anything else eithier I can try an help to man keep it up


p.s how much room are you working with Id take a bunch of clones an start a sea green method personally
veg seems to waste in my opinion if your not topping or lsting
just thought but id still take a couple of clones an keep one or two plants as a mother


Well-Known Member
Nice dude. Im stoked to see some one further on then me. We have similar set ups. I am using 872w of CFL (perhaps overkill) in a 5x2.6x3.11 tent for lowryder 2. Let us know how much you yield. What ferts and soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
I am using hesi nutrients, I used hesi root complex to start with, then I started using the TNT complex, and until now I havent changed that, in the coming week, when I change to 12/12 I will be using hesi Bloom, and after 3weeks of foering I am planning to add pk13/14 :)

My soil is gartengold soil, I wish I mixed it with perlite to give the roots more air, but that is for the next grow.

By the way besides the cfls I have 4 120cm 36watts fluoros, 2 osram plantastar and 2 philips sylvania s. 510watts of CFL plus 144watts of fluoros.


Well-Known Member
Ok, as a lot of you guys ask for a shot of the whole system, I did my best, but it is kinda crammed, where I put the homebox, so this is the best I could do.
Here you can see the two fans, 4 of 85watts and 5700k cfl lights, 2 of 85 watts 2100k cfl lights along 4 grow fluoros from philips and osram. I took a fast exposure shot so you can see the color of the lights more :)



How close do you keep those lights? look a bit far from what ive been reading. best of luck on your grow!


Active Member
For this setup the walls are close enough to act as a partial reflector.
The thing is most of the lights comes of the sides of these babies, so something that would reflect some more light downward definitely would help some. Although with the sidelighting, and all the mylar, the whole thing looks fairly well lit, I'm kinda interested to see it without a reflector. You could consider using one of those cheap, one-time, turkey pans if you do decide to build one.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I am talking about. This how I made my reflector for my 250watt hps. I just use spray adhesive and put mylar on the aluminum. Then mounted the cool tube and the reflector together.. You can get 4in to like 10in round ducting so you can make it how big you want.



Active Member
That's a pretty good reflector, but it would not work for the way Komodo has his lights setup. I was thinking one of these. I've used them, they've worked well for me.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the ideas on reflectors guys :)
here is very fast exposure photo for you to enjoy the actual colors of the lights, we cannot perceive this because of the intensity normally...