Electricity use


Well-Known Member
steal power....

haha...30k watts? You won't.
Unless you got a big ass house with at least 30 rooms.


Well-Known Member
what if i say im an artist and I weld stuff
Still not going to account for 30k watts...
If anything, get some reptiles(alligator, iguana's). Use that as a decoy...because they have heat lamps, uv lamps...that shit uses alot of energy...

But yeah...what u gonna do?
30 1000w hps?

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
hate to say it but you might sit this one out in a box, that shit doesnt slide usually, i say harvest and move out of town, use solar panels next time

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
yes, the system on my garage makes 1725w a hr/ per panel and theres 8 of them, they make systems 3 times as big as that, some are tied to the power grid or can also be off the grid and undetectable i pretty much grew and get paid for the other half of the energy that my panels sell back to the power company
yes, the system on my garage makes 1725kw a hr/ per panel and theres ten of them, they make systems 3 times as big as that, some are tied to the power grid or can also be off the grid and undetectable i pretty much grew and get paid for the other half of the energy that my panels sell back to the power company
Impressive. How much was the solar set up and did you get rebates toward it? I see a wind turbine that goes for 10k that can be used at any home.


New Member
pay ur bill everymonth.. dont steal it.. that would get u busted eventally.. do the right thing.. dont needa get ur ass in troulbe..


Active Member
WTF??? 1000k w per hour? Can you give details please. I will be living kind of on top of a hill i think so maybe i should invest in some solar panels. In so cal might I add!

I wonder if that bullshit tho, I don't really believe it. Unless you have a roof the size of a super market


Active Member
AHHAHA. your running a few lights! At first you claimed you were able to generate 1000k W an hour! AHAHAH. now the truth comes out.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
nothing i stated was meant to mislead anyone simple typo error sry but as stated i paynothing for my power usage they pay me there are ways 1k can be reached why would i, i have no need for it and its wasteful and never once did i state i was running a shit load of lights hell i have serviced gen-sets that make 25,000k a hr which cost money to operate the panels are free to operate and actually get the money back after a short time, so you tell me how i made a claim to be a pot farmer with a plantation running mad lights and a solar grid as i missed typed that would stand to make in upwards of 172800k a hr dude come on how far fetched can a person lie and actually sound believable, dude trust me if i could make that power on less then a 10,000 sq ft lot i would i would buy made houses and make solar grids in the gettos and become a power tycoon

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Impressive. How much was the solar set up and did you get rebates toward it? I see a wind turbine that goes for 10k that can be used at any home.
no rebates i paid cash, wind generators are not consistent as solar but can generate a lot more power with perfect condidtions


Well-Known Member
It makes 1725 watts or 1.7KWH period with all 8 panels combined. Just look at the link LT1RX7 posted.

The fed will give you a tax credit of 15% of the cost of the system, the State you are in may also give you a tax credit. The state I live in gives another 15% credit, so basically the gubbermint will pay for 30% of my solar investment.

1725 watts is not bad for $10,000 especially when you consider 30% of it will be a tax write off, so figure 7K. Avg power cost is 12 cents per KWH so lets say its producing peak power for 10 hours a day so 1.725 x $.12 x 10 = $2.07 every day so it produces about $60 worth of power each month of sunshine. Lets just say its going to take about 10 years for it to pay for itself. Solar panels last at least 20 years so its not a bad investment, too bad the cost hasn't come down more.

Of course under the Cap and Trade system it would only take 3 or 4 years to pay for itself as your electricity rates would likely triple very quickly under that bill.