Uh oh!!!!


Well-Known Member
So i was at my local hydroponic stores today to get a couple water pumps and cloning solution. when I had left i noticed a silver jeep grand Cherokee pull out after me. he followed me for a few miles so i got real suspicious. so I decided to pull over and act like something was wrong with my car and he kept driving past. so now im real paranoid they got my plate number and will be showing up at my house. if they do they better have a warrant and if they have a warrant they are gonna look real stupid because i have nuthin set up in my house...its at my girls house.
I cant stand police...i hate them with a passion. dont they have anything better to do then follow people home from a hydroponics store? i mean seriously someone just got shot and murdered around my area and you have cops worrying about what im bringing home from the hydro store. RIDICULOUS!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
So i was at my local hydroponic stores today to get a couple water pumps and cloning solution. when I had left i noticed a silver jeep grand Cherokee pull out after me. he followed me for a few miles so i got real suspicious. so I decided to pull over and act like something was wrong with my car and he kept driving past. so now im real paranoid they got my plate number and will be showing up at my house. if they do they better have a warrant and if they have a warrant they are gonna look real stupid because i have nuthin set up in my house...its at my girls house.
I cant stand police...i hate them with a passion. dont they have anything better to do then follow people home from a hydroponics store? i mean seriously someone just got shot and murdered around my area and you have cops worrying about what im bringing home from the hydro store. RIDICULOUS!!!:cuss:
thats pretty fucked up if it was a cop. i've heard of that happening where im at too. and you are right they would need a warrant to search your house but a judge wont sign a warrant going only on the fact that you visisted a hydro store. just stay alert to your surroundings and trust your gut instinct. pay careful attention to everything. if something doesn't feel right, stop what you're doing. your safety is more important than the grow dude.


Well-Known Member
yea ive always been sketchy about goin to hydro stores. this was only my 3rd time there. its a last resort type thing. usually i get supplies off my buddies or private dealers. i even know a guy that owns a greenhouse but sometimes he dont have what i need. he also grows some dank ass green. :eyesmoke:


New Member
You guys are paranoid. Chill out.
If your not in a legal state with the proper paperwork, paranoid keeps you free...

More likely it was a gang trying to scope out where you live so they can rob you. I doubt that many departments have the manpower to stake out a hydro store. The following can go either way in this circumstance. What did the people look like in the car? I would make sure you pull up next to them at a light and make sure they see you looking them over and writing their plates down.

I know it seems like too nice of a car for that but if it is some sort of organized crime, it could be stolen.

I would be way more worried about gangs than the popo at this point, but that just me..

dj crane

Well-Known Member
if they come at you, it will be through a stranger trying to buy weed off you, be wary of new people


Well-Known Member
i dont sell weed i smoke it!!!
i only grow for my convenience. its free, constant, and i always know what im smoking.
im pretty sure it was a cop. i could see him pretty well. just one guy in the car. he looked like a cop. and yes it was a nice car. under covers around here drive many of cars including nice ones like dodge chargers, suburbans, impalas Ive even seen a BMW and i couldn't beleive it


Well-Known Member
So i was at my local hydroponic stores today to get a couple water pumps and cloning solution. when I had left i noticed a silver jeep grand Cherokee pull out after me. he followed me for a few miles so i got real suspicious. so I decided to pull over and act like something was wrong with my car and he kept driving past. so now im real paranoid they got my plate number and will be showing up at my house. if they do they better have a warrant and if they have a warrant they are gonna look real stupid because i have nuthin set up in my house...its at my girls house.
I cant stand police...i hate them with a passion. dont they have anything better to do then follow people home from a hydroponics store? i mean seriously someone just got shot and murdered around my area and you have cops worrying about what im bringing home from the hydro store. RIDICULOUS!!!:cuss:
Set up a grow for hydroponic tomatoes at your place. Act real suspicious and have lots of people coming to your house. Make the cops look real stupid if they do coma a knocking.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
So i was at my local hydroponic stores today to get a couple water pumps and cloning solution. when I had left i noticed a silver jeep grand Cherokee pull out after me. he followed me for a few miles so i got real suspicious. so I decided to pull over and act like something was wrong with my car and he kept driving past. so now im real paranoid they got my plate number and will be showing up at my house. if they do they better have a warrant and if they have a warrant they are gonna look real stupid because i have nuthin set up in my house...its at my girls house.
I cant stand police...i hate them with a passion. dont they have anything better to do then follow people home from a hydroponics store? i mean seriously someone just got shot and murdered around my area and you have cops worrying about what im bringing home from the hydro store. RIDICULOUS!!!:cuss:

that shit is wack... fuk the police...


Well-Known Member
Set up a grow for hydroponic tomatoes at your place. Act real suspicious and have lots of people coming to your house. Make the cops look real stupid if they do coma a knocking.

lol its real funny that you said that cuz the cashier asked me what i was growing and i told her i was helping my grandmother with her tomato plants:mrgreen:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you should of got his plate # and went from there. you can find out who it is. good luck


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
nice deer bro
got me a 14 pointer just last season
well 15 pointer including the drop tine
he scored a 164 boon n crockett
my first monster!!!!:lol:
right on bro what state. this with an unofficial score of 115 7/8. this was my 1st year back hunting in 14 years, so this felt like my first deer. congrats on the boon and crocket


Well-Known Member
right on bro what state. this with an unofficial score of 115 7/8. this was my 1st year back hunting in 14 years, so this felt like my first deer. congrats on the boon and crocket

thanks bro. im in Wisconsin.
god that was an amazing season
had just got my new 30/06 semi auto with all synthetic stock the day before opening day...had never been sighted in except for a bore sighting when i got it. good thing the shot was only bout 50 yards


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks bro. im in Wisconsin.
god that was an amazing season
had just got my new 30/06 semi auto with all synthetic stock the day before opening day...had never been sighted in except for a bore sighting when i got it. good thing the shot was only bout 50 yards
right on.im geting ready to get me a remegton 30.06 bolt action como with the sent. stock also. i'll be ready for next year rifle season.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
right on.im geting ready to get me a remegton 30.06 bolt action como with the sent. stock also. i'll be ready for next year rifle season.:bigjoint:
nice!! i have .300 bolt action also,
that bitch bangs!!!!
i use that when i go way up north up by lake superior....guaranteed to drop a deer in his tracks every time:lol:


Well-Known Member
shit like this happens a lot. that is why the more paranoid growers wont even take their own vehicle.. they take a bus, or use someone elses ride, go to another house, xfer crap into their car and go home.. very sickening though cops have nothing better to do. they would sooner stake out a fuckin hydro store than bust real criminals. funny thing is though the news said the other night hydro stores etc are booming because with the economy more people are growing their own stuff.. they may be kickin in doors of tomatoe growers really soon haha.. then the cops will get sued and will have to back the **** off.