2000 watt White Widow

Hey guys so i find on this site there is very little dedicated to the idea of high out put low space so i thought id share what i'm doing.

Light: 2000watt

nutes: house and gardens van de zwan ( this is same great stuff if you have not looked at the line, they clain to double your yeilds.

medium: DWC with a air stone in the bottom and a reciruclator on top

Area 4"11 by 4"11 tent

ill post pics in a few


New Member
it looks good, but i gotta question your setup a little, its in dwc, but whats going on with the pots, they look pretty wide at the top, how wide are they, how much hydroton is the plant in before the roots get down into the air injected nute mix below
it looks good, but i gotta question your setup a little, its in dwc, but whats going on with the pots, they look pretty wide at the top, how wide are they, how much hydroton is the plant in before the roots get down into the air injected nute mix below
you are correct the pots are rather large on top. the pots are 2 gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottom sitting in 5 gallon pots ( only 2.5 gallons of water a half gallon of air and 2 gallon bucket) . i have done a side by side experiment with the much more shallow netted pot and find they do not yield the same as the 2 gallon bucks with holes in them. i belive this to be that the plant likes to establish a large root ball before its roots touch the water. having a large bucket with a lot or hydrotonon does create a problem of the clones/ baby plant drying out thats why you need a device that recirculates the water to the top of the hydortonon and lets it drain into the air injected root mix. if you look at the pictures of the buckets you can see a lighter brown ring on the top. also in the buckets with the clone, the clone is in the middle of the brown ring. this device takes water from the bucket and drips it on the top of the hydrotonon. i can post a picture if you like. im kind of stoned and its hard to explain
hey so i was talking with some friends and reading online and i noticed that there does not seem to be a definite answer on how much plant grow when you through them into flower, and what determines the growth rate. there seems to be 3 main ideas.

1.) genetics: a plant will growth 2- 3 time the size of the veged plant depending on the sativa indica mix. so a 12 inch plant will will be 3 to 4 feet tall when finished
:leaf: sounds good but i have seen some strechy ass plants that are 2 feet tall with only 8 nodes that dont really grow at all when flowered ( this always happens in low lighting)

2.) age of plant/ number of available nodes: another popular theory is that age of the plant. a lot of people say make sure the plant is 4 nodes mature before flower and the more nodes you have the mor you will yield or if its a clone the amount of different shoots will affect yield and as long as there are multiple shoots when thrown into flower, they will fill the amount of light allowed.

3.) intensity of light: this theory is less common but i think is important. a mature plant from seed or a clone will grow in size depending on the correlation of the intensity of light. so a 12 inch plant may grow 3 feet under a 400 watt but that same plant may grow 5 feet under a 1200 watt setup.

so to get closer to a answer to this question im going to bud my plants now. my plants are about 9 inches wide 6 inches tall. from a clone who's mother would be about a year old if she was still alive. and both clones have about 30+ shoots. i have some picture in my album if you want to see how a similar set up worked last time

i posted new pics my plants were suffering from some over fert but the new growth seems to be over it and growing rapidly. im going to start co2 today at 1500 ppm

feel free to leave your 2 cents



Active Member
Just checking out your grow ... lookin good!
setup looks solid!
Please take a look at my thread and give me any comments or suggestions!



Active Member
nice grow bro. Correct me if I'm wrong but 5' x5' is 25 sq ft and you have 2000 watts which equals less than 100watts per sq ft. So how is this such a high light output to space as you mentioned in the first post as many people in this forum have about 100watt per sq ft...


Well-Known Member
So how many plants are you growing in that 5 X 5 space again? Whatever it is, you don't need 2000W of HPS. There is such thing as too much light believe it or not, just ask some of my former plants I got a little too aggressive with a long time ago lol. With the light so high up, it just wasting unnecessary wattage. Trade in your other 1000W and get a 400MH instead. That's what I'd suggest, unless you're purposely trying to drive the temperature up in order to utilize Co2.