Little Weed Big High


Well-Known Member
Hey, i was wondering if anyone knows of any good ways to get baked off of just a little bit of weed, like one i know of is the Prism Bong, Fucks your ass up, or Knife hits. But just wondering if there is anything else to do to get Messed up with little weed. Thanks PEACE



Well-Known Member
Talk to fdd and ask for his opinion on Raft im sure that shit will knock you on your ass.


Well-Known Member
oh i know lol i didnt know he ment the vaporizer i thought he ment an actually volcano lol


Well-Known Member
I would say a Waterfall bong, that only takes about 1 hit to get me high and about 5 to fuck me up, just make sure to take it all at once i have some friends who take it little by little and it doesnt really have much of an effect

I use a 1 litter bottle, i do chock on it every once in a while


Well-Known Member
waterfall and gravity bongs...pretty much the same concept. i like gravity bongs though because you can push down and the smoke gets pushed into your lungs. one bowl usually equals one hit will get you blown for hours


Active Member
I made this double chamber bong and a pull string thats attached to a cap. You fill one chamber with cold water, one with hot, and when your toking you pull the cap off and smoke shoots into your lungs, if you take it to hard you could pass out easy.


Well-Known Member
Gravity bongs simply work on the premise of smoking a huge hit of weed. Of course thats going to get you high. Use a vaporize for most high/amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
take two butter knives and heat one up then put the hash or weed on the other (hash usually sticks to it if you presh it on the knife) then take the hot knife and press it on the knife with the hash and inhale the smoke that comes up