Proper timing for aeroponic systems?


Active Member
Does anyone with some experience in the matter know what the optimum cycle for spray heads in aeroponic systems like aquamists are?

I was considering building something like this:

and wanted to know if running the sprayers 24/7 is best or if they should be put on a timer. most general aeroponics literature I've read references about a 1min on/5mins off cycle, but I haven't seen any references to that on this forum or in the SeeMoreBuds series, which are the places with the most info on this stuff. I don't want to drown my [eventual] girls, but I don't want the roots to dry out or get insufficent nutrients either.


Well-Known Member
Heat is the #1 reason people run the pump on a timer.

Theoretically aeroponics will provide enough o2 to the roots, that they should not need a "drying out" time, like as is required with soil or ebb and flow hydroponics.

However, it seems that the problem isn't the lack of o2, but the fact that when roots are soaked consistently, they tend to mat together. When the roots are fluffy and spread out, they grow many tiny little white hairs that are very effective at absorbing water, nutes and o2. When they become matted, you will see less of these fine root hairs and the plants will not grow as fast.

So, the #2 reason would be to allow the roots time to dry out, not to provide o2 in and of itself, but to allow the roots to "fluff up" again(which they will not do if being sprayed constantly).


Active Member
Do you change this when the roots touch the reservoir of water?

Does this depend on the type of sprayer's? Sorry to be so...well, noobish, but a lot of googling and searching this site have turned up nothing. I would imagine stronger sprayers help keep the roots fluffy just via motion (like how fans over the plants help them)...but in SeeMoreBuds he seems to run them constantly (at least, it seems like a cycle would have been mentioned somewhere in that movie), but it looks like his sprayers are a lot gentler than in the aero setup I posted a link to. I'm just trying to get a feel for what I should aim for. I'm also guessing erring to the side of running them constantly on a first grow (which is also cheaper and easier, since you don't need a timer) is probably safe, and then I could see what the roots look like and start to play around with it after that.

Thanks so much for your quick replies! Rollitup has been totally invaluable to me in teaching myself how to grow.


Well-Known Member
1 min on 4 mins off or 24/7

like aero said, heat is a factor for submersible pumps if on all day. Heat+ oxygen rich aero = prime for nasties.