Commercial grow!!


Active Member
Hi I plan on doing a commercial grow with 50 plants in the midwest.I was wondering what strains,soil,and fertilizer to use?Right now I have ICE growing indoor but would like to use a lot of this outdoors since its free clones.Would ice grow good outside?Im using fox farms soil and nutes on my indoor,but is there a cheaper soil that might work?I would like to get about 5-6 ft tall plants that yield at least a half pound and that can be harvested in 6-8 weeks.I can chose 2 more strands besides the ice I already have.I will start all the outdoor plants with clones so there is no chance for males or wasted time.Sorry I have a lot of questions,but if anybody has some experience growing big outdoors I would like some advice.Thanks,peace

john q. public

Active Member
I have been preparing for a summer harvest in the midwest (NE ohio). Because I cant make 500 clones at a time, (i can clone 100 at a time), I am going to prepare by putting some plants in 5gal plant bags, the ones with the holes on the bottom, and plant those closer by. All of the smaller ones will be planted directly into the ground, with little or no soil prep. so long as your clones have a jump start on the wild vegetation, you should be good. ICE is one of the strains that will be outside (along with White Widow, Super Skunk, and a Jamaican strain I got from Jamaica). I hope it performs as well as it does inside!

when growing outside i use a generic calculation, since I live in a more populated area of the state. I count on half of my plants being eaten/busted/stolen. I still havent had a 50% loss, but its always nice to lose less and not more than you expected.

as for other outside grows, I see 1/2 lb to almost 1lb a plant. hoping to get better quality this year though. Since you can clone, plant more plants. do like 200.



Active Member
Thanks John q I also live just outside a well populated area,my initial plan was to plant 30-35 and try to get 25 to make it all the way.Of those 25 I wanted to average about a half pound each using fox farms nutes and soil.How many plants do you usually harvest out of those 100?Whats your average yield and what kind of soil are you using?Would you recommend planting in the woods or corn fields?Wouldnt it take a lot of time to maintain 100 plants?Any info you have man would be appreciated.peace


Well-Known Member
I have always been skeptical of growing in corn fields, you don't want to be smoking any pesticides.... be careful on selecting your nutrients, foxes or other carnivors will destroy your plot if you use bone meal or blood meal or fish emulsion unless you put up a small fence but that will also save you from the rabbits who will swallow your plants whole.


Well-Known Member
good luck on your outdoor grow you can make a shit load of money harvesting massive amounts. since i live on the outskirts of a city in a densely populated area i have to keep my grow inside my apartment which gives me plenty of cash and tree to smoke but i have always wondered what i could achieve if i wasnt limited to my 10 by 13 grow room.

oh and a side thought..... if animals are eating your plants will they get stoned? cause i could totally see some stoned little rabbits all passed out next to your crop


Active Member
I am putting a green mesh fence to keep animals out and I will research some more animal repellent.I think my biggest fear is not animals but of course the choppers,however if I was to due some lst to keep them short I think it will look more natural if its not 6 feet tall.Anybody got good advice on growing ice outdoors?What strain would you grow if you were looking for dank dank commercial?Also if anybody has advice on planting out of the helicopters sight?I think all mine are going in the woods,fenced,and I will lst them so they dont stick out like a sore thumb.

reefer smoke

Active Member
I would have thought that your biggest fear would be other people stealing your plants? You must be vigilant to not let anyone know or find out by seeing you come and go from the woods but if you can do that I'd suggest that you plant in both places, then stagger your watering schedule. In both cases make sure you've got a way to move plants around, if you need to finish the harvest cycle, put them in a better location. I've seen as many as 100 plants moved into a wood-heated glass greenhouse for the final 3 weeks of flowering but that was in Canada and over 4,000 vertical foot. The crop was mixed indica and sativa, came out amazing. Just takes TLC, patience and a little luck.


Active Member
I dont have to worry about people seeing me track back and forth because i have pretty secluded access.However thieves is a big concern of mine but I think the law enforcement stands a better chance of getting them.Whats some of your guys loss ratio on your outdoor grow?For example 50 out of 100?Im trying to play the numbers game and I want to harvest 25 plants so trying to figure how many to plant so that I might get an idea.


Well-Known Member
would digging a hole and putting a 5 gallon pail with it planted in that do good thats what i was thinking this summer


Well-Known Member
good luck on your outdoor grow you can make a shit load of money harvesting massive amounts. since i live on the outskirts of a city in a densely populated area i have to keep my grow inside my apartment which gives me plenty of cash and tree to smoke but i have always wondered what i could achieve if i wasnt limited to my 10 by 13 grow room.

oh and a side thought..... if animals are eating your plants will they get stoned? cause i could totally see some stoned little rabbits all passed out next to your crop
Yes that would be one lucky deer, but the funny thing about a deer attack is that if they don't destroy your plants, they will get so stoned that they will forget where the plants they just ate are.


Active Member
I cant upload pics at this time plus there only in the seedling stage at this point.What kind of soil are you guys using on these outdoor grows with a lot of plants?If there is somewhere I can good soil for cheap such as like a good deal on a bulk purchase or something cheaper than Fox Farms?


Well-Known Member
I cant upload pics at this time plus there only in the seedling stage at this point.What kind of soil are you guys using on these outdoor grows with a lot of plants?If there is somewhere I can good soil for cheap such as like a good deal on a bulk purchase or something cheaper than Fox Farms?
fox farms ocean forrest i know u said cheaper than them but i highly suggest using it. i have 100% grow rate from sprout.


Active Member
I had 14 out of 15 germ and 12 out of 15 sprouted and doing fine with fox farm soil,I plan on using nutes here in a week or so I got the Fox Farm nutes as well.It would be real expensive at $18 per 1.5cubic yard.How big of a hole with that fill?From what if read it shouldnt be hard averaging 12 oz a plant using fox farms and good genetics.Has anybody ever done a commercial grow?what soil,nutes,and strain did you use?How many did you plant and how many made it to harvest?


I cant upload pics at this time plus there only in the seedling stage at this point.What kind of soil are you guys using on these outdoor grows with a lot of plants?If there is somewhere I can good soil for cheap such as like a good deal on a bulk purchase or something cheaper than Fox Farms?
use pro-mix for your outdoor grows. you can pick it up in bails, but its a bitch to carry out to your spot. i think its like $30 or so for 3.8 cubic feet.


Well-Known Member
I also am planning on doing a pretty hefty sized commercial grow this year. Right now I am just doing little closet grows with some Low Ryder II using 8 150w CFLs. However this summer i'd like to be haversting 100-150 plants, not low ryder of course, I am having a real hard time picking strains to use, I also live in a semi temperate climate in the Great Lakes region. I live in the country with a lot of open land and have three or four spots picked out for about 35 plants per spot. What I am thinking of doing is breeding a male and a female of my selceted strain or strain(s) but I am worried that I might loose some of the genetics; is this possible like maybe the seeds that I breed won't be as strong or I might loose some of the traits?? Anyway, just another thing to consider as you also are trying to make a big grow this summer! MI btw..


Active Member
yeah I probably will end up going with promix just because it is a little cheaper,but how many holes will that fill?How long would it take to get 100 clones from 2 or 3 mother plants that are about two feet tall indoor?I bought schultz root powder anybody had experience with this?Its hard deciding what strain to use to man,Im wanting something I can harvest in ohio is september,but is still dank with better than average yield.


Well-Known Member
if you have a boy and a girl for making seeds and you sprinkle pollen on the female and she gets bud rot are the seeds still ok?


Well-Known Member
I cant upload pics at this time plus there only in the seedling stage at this point.What kind of soil are you guys using on these outdoor grows with a lot of plants?If there is somewhere I can good soil for cheap such as like a good deal on a bulk purchase or something cheaper than Fox Farms?

try sungro's aggregate mix proffesional potting soil mix 4 or mix 7 if water is a issue cuz 7 has water crystals

i just got 2 large bales that are 3.8 cu. ft. there about 2.5'x2.5'x3' in size i will use them for my 09 gorilla grow since the soil in my area is prime this will be used for my starters in my out door nursery and will fill about 100 1 gal grow bags. the bales run from $25-$35 and are exelent quality

i know what your saying about the numbers thing like expect 50% loss butt really if its that much or even close your doing something wrong and if you over estimate your loss whats the point??? dont you want a actual numbers for success, thats like setting your clock 10 minutes fast. you see 3:00 but know its 10 till.

if i want to harvest 50 plants i will grow 110 plant cuz half will be male and a cuple will not make it due to weather unless you crop far apart from each others the rippers will fine your other plot cuz when i was young and ripped plants as soon as i found a few i always combed the area for more and always found more.