Trying salvia tonight, help me ensure an experience


Well-Known Member
I've heard not everyone feels the full effects of salvia the first time, I didn't when I tried it a little while ago. I'm trying it again tonight and don't wanna waste any more money on it.

Last time I got a pack of "horse killer" salvia, which is 40x salvia with 10x lobelia. We had one pack for 4 people, I don't think that was enough for 4 people. One of my friends tripped mildly for like 20 seconds but after that none of use felt it.

This time I'm gonna try to get just pure salvia. I think the packages come in 8 and 16mg. Not sure though.

If I'm correct, how much should I buy for 3 or 4 people and how can I ensure I'll experience it when smoking it?

Thanks guys (and gals).


Well-Known Member
Even when it does work, it's not a fun recreational drug and shouldn't be used as such. IMHO you and your friends would be better off just buying some nice premium beers to go with your weed

not preaching on the evils of doing hallucinogens or anything here, just saying it's really no fun even when all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Hey, me too. I'm only doing 5x. Going to experience that first then move to high grade extract. Use a water pipe or bong to get the best use of the smoke and hold that shit in. with 40x your going to have some nutz shit happen. Have fun lol


Well-Known Member
I'm probably gonna get 20x this time. I did it with a bong and a torch lighter before. I think it just wasn't enough for all of us.


Well-Known Member
WTF!!!! strangest shit just happened. I put a good bowl of 5x salvia in my bong and smoked it all in one hit, held it......let out my breath(because i was about to choke),then i felt a tint to my worlds color really fast. I put down my bong, so I wouldn't break it, then blackout. Next thing i know, i felt as if i just had woken up from a dream. I flew to my computer chair that was next to me, trying to stop my music for some reason. Then a whole wave of confusion happened, "holy shit that was" i went to sitting at my bed where I had started. Then i started to think about wat was happening then i felt pressure from above and different direction on my body then it slowly faded to a body buzz of euphoria and now im coming down. Amazing plant:clap: I forgot to get something for a drawing damn before i was already coming down. :(


Well-Known Member
Didn't work for me. But last time I felt nothing. This time I felt a head rush. I think I didn't hold it in long enough, 'cause I took the biggest pull of my life, and my throat really hurt, so I blew it out early and felt a head rush. Honestly I think if I held it in I would've broken through. I got 2 packs of 12mg 30x and we split it in eyeballed thirds. The same friend as last time felt it again, I think it's 'cause he's the smallest. I think I'll try it one last time 'cause that was my fault this time.


Well-Known Member
Dude I have smoked the 40 x between two people and fucking couldnt move my arms and shit and i felt so retarded and i laughed a bit...if i had another chance i would have kept my money


Well-Known Member
salvia sucks....once you do it once you'll never want to again....thats the only reason it is legal. If people actually liked it, the gov't would have to make it illegal of course


Well-Known Member
totally agree, i've only done 5x twice but both times i blacked out and did weird shit. Pretty nutz, pretty nutz:lol:


Well-Known Member
all these extracts suck... get plain leaves... also doesn't taste like shit.

the streeker1

Active Member
im gonna try salvia soon and yea i was told to just get the leaves if you can find a realiable site that has high quality leaves the site i have as my signature is what i was told to be one of the best to get high quality salvia leaves and the leaves are cheaper to


Well-Known Member
its really expensive and doesnt last very long...
ive done it 3 times...
made me feel like i was high the first 2 times...
then tripped balls the third time... the whole world turned sideways
had to hold on to a post becuz i thought i was falling.. scary shit
never again lol

the streeker1

Active Member
i think im going to enjoy it because its basicaly how you want to be affected by drugs like i like hallucinajens (sp?) i dont buy much weed but i do enjoy smoking it i mostly like mushrooms and acid but just recently heard of salvia so im gonna get 20x this coming paychek (the 5th of jan.) so il let you know how it goes but im excited to but if you like drugs that make you feel out of this world and like to trip balls then try salvia, salvias just a personal choice, like some people like weed and some dont same with salvia