fucking ants in the pot


New Member
i have a huge ass pot with 3 plants in it i notciced that soomethign was wrong when little hoels started to apear in the leaves well anyway i sprayed some chemicals all around and in the plant any more advise?


Well-Known Member
Find out which kind of ants it is, fire ants sting bad but are very good for soil, they aerate it and provide the roots with looser soil. any other ant needs to be killed immediately.


New Member
idk they where black and as soon as i saw them i sprayed // does anyoone know how long it takes for a clone to root my clones havd been in sail for a lil over a week and still no roots


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure you will be ok for now. just put a circle of coffee grounds around the pot and maybe some orange peels but make sure your eat all the fruit off of it or i will attract more ants. happy growing man


Well-Known Member
Don't ants tend to heard thrips, aphids, scales, and mealybugs? Because of the pollen they produce? Would it still be beneficial to let the fire ants hang?

Not so sure if "pollen" is the word i meant to use, but somthing to that effect. Maybe some more experianced growers could chime in about the effects of pests, like ants herding other pests. Happy Growing all, good luck.


Well-Known Member
I read a tip a while ago about using Pottasium Permanganate (Condy's Crystals)to control ants. Decided to give it a go. You can get PP at Chemists or some Supermarkets. You only use minute amount and mix it with plain water (just a few grains - enough to turn the water a pale to mid pink, not so much that the water goes purple to opaque). Then just water into the soil.

For me this has worked like a charm. AND IT WORKS ON WHITE ANTS, TOO. Keeps all sorts of ants out of the soil and away from the roots. Didn't harm plants at all.


Active Member
yea same thing happened to me bro killed 10 of my babies it sux but 5 or 6 still survied nothin i can do now but kill them little fuckers with some fucking peper spray and all the chemicals i can and move the plant LOL :)


Well-Known Member
I like that coffee grounds idea because it's simple and I always have them. Any idea how long it keeps them away? I have a site I only visit once in a while and no reason not to leave it there.


Well-Known Member
until the rain or wind takes the bulk of them away just make a solid circle around each plant and maybe some by the stem. hope that works for you


Well-Known Member
Orange peels and coffe grounds? That sounds very interesting, could you please explain it to me?




Well-Known Member
well the peel of an orange is bitter and protects the fruit from bugs and other pest like ants coffee grounds are also bitter but you need the plain kind not the flavored kind the ants might like that


Well-Known Member
i figured it was the caffine in the coffee grounds and the oils in the orange peels? i donno just my thoughts...


Well-Known Member
that might be but just go take a bite of an orange peel and a spool full of coffee grounds and let me know how it taste and also let me know if you would do it again

steve aka koolkat

Well-Known Member
Ants don't dig Neem oil, doesn't hurt plants. Works for Aphids and the like too. Mix 2 tbls w/ gallon of water, plus a teas. of mild dishsoap or a emusifier(wet betty etc). Shake well before and during sparying. I have pet birds on my back patio, and the ants love their water and dropping of food and crap. I spray the tray and around the cage, ants gone next day. Work the same for plants, outside and in. They also won't cross a line of baking soda I hear. Terro ant killer works good too. Ants suck up necter, take back to nest. All gone in 3 days. Instant grits work good too. Ant carry single grain back to nest, eat grits, grits expand in stomach, ant dies of exploding tummy. Cream of wheat does the same. Your milelage may vary....steve aka koolkat