Back in the game....


Well-Known Member
After my May harvest i shut the garden down to do a basement reno. The idea being that i may have to sell my house next spring. AB is hard times, youve prolly heard. Lol

But... things arent so bad as that. I dont really have to sell. I got time. AND... i miss my garden. Ima jonesin to grow again.

But if i start up again i dont want to go back to what i was doing. Twas a 5X9 space that i was squeezing 3 lbs out of twice a year, doing soilless. Now i have a 24 plant count and all the space in the world.

So im here to ask what should i do and how should i do it? Still have all my old equipment. 2X 1000w HPS and 4X 330w COB leds, which each give 4'x2' coverage. (thank you Tasty). So 64 sq ft of light coverage.

So... havent grown on that scale. Not sure i want to do soiless anymore. And not really into perpetual. I like the summer off.

All suggestions are welcome. Thinking maybe sealed room, co2 and some type of hydro. I dunno....
Thanks guys...


Well-Known Member
Or maybe more specifically...
With said amount of lights...

Any issues to be aware of mixing COB and HPS?
Any issues to be aware of mixing co2 with HPS+COBs? Anyone doing this already?
In a sealed room with said light footprint in a 10x10 room, how big will the dehuey need to be?
Anyone running a mini-split in temps that can reach -30c?
Can a mini-split be run indoors? Anybody doing that?
And how big of a res would be needed to run 64 sq ft of flood table... or 16 rdwc pots?


Well-Known Member
I just blow my exhaust out the window
Ya... thats how ive always done it too.
But you have to make up that air, which means pulling really cold air into the room (when its -30), which creates a number of problems...with low co2 levels, condensation, low humitidy and so on...
So i thought sealed room for better control and maybe increased yield with co2.


Well-Known Member
There are so many ways you could build it out. I run a 1k hps over a 4x4 flood and drain table and I love it.

You could put each 1k over a tray with 12 plants in each tray under scrog screens. You could even adjust the numbers and use the COBS to run a third tray or use them to fill in any areas that need more light on the canopy. You don't have to run it perpetually, but it would be really easy too.

I've never heard of any issues with running cob and HID together or from CO2 mixed with those things.


Well-Known Member
There are so many ways you could build it out. I run a 1k hps over a 4x4 flood and drain table and I love it.

You could put each 1k over a tray with 12 plants in each tray under scrog screens. You could even adjust the numbers and use the COBS to run a third tray or use them to fill in any areas that need more light on the canopy. You don't have to run it perpetually, but it would be really easy too.

I've never heard of any issues with running cob and HID together or from CO2 mixed with those things.
How many gallons is your res for the 4x4 table?
And does all that water have an effect on humidity?


Well-Known Member
I use a 40 gallon res for my table, and humidity is only an issue some times in the summer when its already 90 % humidity outside. Even then its not a big problem, just gotta keep air flow going.


Well-Known Member
I use a 40 gallon res for my table, and humidity is only an issue some times in the summer when its already 90 % humidity outside. Even then its not a big problem, just gotta keep air flow going.
So 160 gals for 4 tables... thats a lot of fn

I wonder if a guy could use 1 40 gal res to flood two tables? Or would the nutes be too depleted?


Well-Known Member
I bet you could easily use a 50 gallon and flood 2 different tables on different schedules. I've thought about it but haven't tried it.

I pump my water into my res and out when I clean it. I've got hoses that run right to my drain. So I never have to carry water or dirt. I do have to move and clean grow rocks which sucks but I'm working on an idea to automate that.


Well-Known Member
I bet you could easily use a 50 gallon and flood 2 different tables on different schedules. I've thought about it but haven't tried it.

I pump my water into my res and out when I clean it. I've got hoses that run right to my drain. So I never have to carry water or dirt. I do have to move and clean grow rocks which sucks but I'm working on an idea to automate that.
Grow rocks?
I thought you have a flood and drain table... with rocks?


Well-Known Member
I use rocks in pots, not loose in my table. Loose in the table is a huge PITA, pots of rocks are easy, and it lets me move my plants around.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Or maybe more specifically...
With said amount of lights...

Any issues to be aware of mixing COB and HPS?
Any issues to be aware of mixing co2 with HPS+COBs? Anyone doing this already?
In a sealed room with said light footprint in a 10x10 room, how big will the dehuey need to be?
Anyone running a mini-split in temps that can reach -30c?
Can a mini-split be run indoors? Anybody doing that?
And how big of a res would be needed to run 64 sq ft of flood table... or 16 rdwc pots?
I had Mitsubishi's with a low ambient kit that could run in - 40c. You can run a mini-split indoors but now you have to deal with the heat from the condenser. Wouldnt be practical in the summer. The A/C will handle most of humidity depending on plants in the room and wattage of lights but will need another stand alone dehuey for lights off. How big is hard to say.


Well-Known Member
I had Mitsubishi's with a low ambient kit that could run in - 40c. You can run a mini-split indoors but now you have to deal with the heat from the condenser. Wouldnt be practical in the summer. The A/C will handle most of humidity depending on plants in the room and wattage of lights but will need another stand alone dehuey for lights off. How big is hard to say.
I know of low ambient kits but didnt think they could go all the way to -40. Holy shit. I guessed maybe they could go -10 to -15 tops.
Thanks for the heads up.
How much is a unit like that?


Well-Known Member
1 gal pots?
I hadnt thought of doing it that way. Sort of like sub irrigation i guess
Well I actually use 6 inch square pots, but that's because I run a perpetual sog with 36-40 plants at different stages of flower. I grow under ground so I'm not as limited on numbers, and I found I would rather grow(and in the end trim) several single cola plants that don't take much veg time instead of bushes.

I've ran the same system with 4-6 plants in larger pots to grow them into a bushy canopy. 1.5 or 2 gallon fabic grow bags worked great in the flood and drain system. It would be real easy to put whatever number of plants you wanted in each tray and put SCROG screens right over them. The only reason I don't do this myself is because of how I run my perpetual under a single light.