LSD Advice


Active Member
Howdy people.

Im 20, and am very light (57kilos). I've smoked weed for afew years. Over the past year I've tried shrooms (in varying quantities) 6 to 8 times, done pills 15 to 20 times, between 2 and 8 each time. In the last month or so i decided i was finally ready to try acid. Everything else I was always told and thought that it would be much freakier and more intense than it actually turned out to be (still great though), so i figure i should be able to handle acid and I know loads of people who have done it and no-one else had a bad time.

I finally found someone who was getting a good bit of acid so i made an order. I just have a few questions.

1: I payed €80 for 10 tabs. Is that right?

2: How much should i take to have a good intense trip, without being overwhelmed on the first timer thing. I've read in different posts on this site that you should take half your first time, take half then half later, take one, take two, and even three so I'm good and confused on dosage

3: Was planning to take a pill while I'm coming up as a sort of mood control. Is this a good/bad idea?

4: Anything thats particularly good/bad to do while trippin that you could advise to do/avoid?

5: Anything else that would be useful to know?

I've read lotsa acid threads here and read the erowid vaults and stuff so i got a lot of the technical info, but I was thinking personal experience advise would be better.

On a side note, next time your shrooming, buy a bubble blower. Its amazingly cool. Not sure if that was common knowledge or not, but hey i thought it was class so i said id say


Well-Known Member
eat the ten strip, and make sure to be in a public place, so you can entertain people.

have water, eat lightly before hand.. take 2 for your first time, and i dont think you should take the pills.


Active Member
I would ask your supplier first how potent the blotters are. The potency varies so much that its kinda important to do 1 alone first if you dont know the potency before you do crazy amounts, if this is your first time I recommend just taking 1 and enjoying the ride; you'll have 9 left for other occasions :). This IS a potent drug, it can fuck with your head and make you feel fucking scared at times, try and remember you'll be fine and come down eventually. Be prepared for some serious ego-loss especially if you trip alone.
About the pills, depends what pills, personally i take .5 of xanax everytime i trip just because it helps me with "paranoid" thoughts or anxious feelings but isn't too much to kill my trip or anything. But then again im a nervous person so really its up to you but pills can be really nice with LSD. Just remember ull feel the pills about 2-3x more than if you dont take LSD. I take codeine on occasion with it for the comedown and its heavenly. Another thing- XTC + LSD = HEAVEN :)
Something you should know.. Have a bathroom accessible at the beginning as it makes you wanna shit/urinate like a bitch.
Have fun.

edit. oh and 80euros for 10 sounds reasonable depending on where you live.


Active Member
yeah, I agree w/retro99,acid is very potent and if you overdo it or dont know how to handle can be a scary experience:-(.....Surround yourself w/fun loving, positive people and as long as the vibe is right, you'll have an amazingly fun experience frying ballz!! For ur first time id suggest popping 1 maybe 1.5 (tried 5 w/shrooms 1st time while drunk(not recommended)waiting 30min to an hour anda half (should start to feel the high coming on)and then smoking a bowl (this really kicks things in while relaxing u at the same time) ACID + WEED= super :-)


Well-Known Member
Howdy people.

Im 20, and am very light (57kilos). I've smoked weed for afew years. Over the past year I've tried shrooms (in varying quantities) 6 to 8 times, done pills 15 to 20 times, between 2 and 8 each time. In the last month or so i decided i was finally ready to try acid. Everything else I was always told and thought that it would be much freakier and more intense than it actually turned out to be (still great though), so i figure i should be able to handle acid and I know loads of people who have done it and no-one else had a bad time.

I finally found someone who was getting a good bit of acid so i made an order. I just have a few questions.

1: I payed €80 for 10 tabs. Is that right?

2: How much should i take to have a good intense trip, without being overwhelmed on the first timer thing. I've read in different posts on this site that you should take half your first time, take half then half later, take one, take two, and even three so I'm good and confused on dosage

3: Was planning to take a pill while I'm coming up as a sort of mood control. Is this a good/bad idea?

4: Anything thats particularly good/bad to do while trippin that you could advise to do/avoid?

5: Anything else that would be useful to know?

I've read lotsa acid threads here and read the erowid vaults and stuff so i got a lot of the technical info, but I was thinking personal experience advise would be better.

On a side note, next time your shrooming, buy a bubble blower. Its amazingly cool. Not sure if that was common knowledge or not, but hey i thought it was class so i said id say
1. is USD its about $10 per tab.

2. for your first time, no matter how strong, take one tab. then youll be fine and you can get a lil glimpse into the wonderful world of lucy

3. i dont really recommend taking anything but marijuana while your on lucy.

4. some things to do while trippin, music/movies, being outside, being with GOOD friends, having a clear head, smoke ganja, play video games. pretty much anything that you think is better on lsd(swimming is very fun) is :-P

5. have fun!


Well-Known Member
Man i would take like 2 or 3 hits of the acid a take a hit of E and you will have a blast lala land for some hours and i would make sure to do it somewhere were you feel safe, you dont want any bad vibes.
have fun man if you done shrooms you should be fine on acid


Well-Known Member
1. is USD its about $10 per tab.

2. for your first time, no matter how strong, take one tab. then youll be fine and you can get a lil glimpse into the wonderful world of lucy

3. i dont really recommend taking anything but marijuana while your on lucy.

4. some things to do while trippin, music/movies, being outside, being with GOOD friends, having a clear head, smoke ganja, play video games. pretty much anything that you think is better on lsd(swimming is very fun) is :-P

5. have fun!
That's good advice. A joint will get you going, but put the weed away after you start tripping because you will smoke and smoke to no effect. Alcohol is wasted on an acid trip. Water or orange juice will do the trick.

Pink Floyd is a must. Any television will make you giggle like a schoolgirl.

It's a good idea to have a gooney-bird (non-tripping person) around to keep you out of trouble.

Have fun and be safe.


Well-Known Member
dude i totally agree with everyone else i took 2 for the first time and i was tripping so hard i didnt know what to do or think but i had fun at the same time


Active Member
1: I dont know what €80 is in english money, so i cant help you there.

2: How much you take depends on how many times the paper has been dipped. I'd say about 1 should do the trick. Ive done shrooms before too-its easier to have a bad trip on shrooms than on acid (for me). Just make sure your around people you like.

3: thats called a candy flip (at least where im from), and all it does is make you happy with the mild hallicinations. Never tried it myself, but my friends say its awsome.

4: Be around people you like. Dont think of any bad memories(just like when your on shrooms). I wouldnt recommend you going into a huge crowd of strangers when your on it the first time. Anything you dont do on shrooms-you dont do on acid.

5: dont drive. I havent met many people who can when they fry.


Active Member
The pills i intended to take were E for clarification. And I have arranged for 2 or three friends to come and drop with me, and we have the sober person sorted too.

Thanks for all your advice. I'll prob post up a post trip story, i found that really fun on my last shrooming.


Active Member
Ok so the guy says that its insanely strong so I think I'm sticking with a half and maybe take the other half later on depending on the strength. If it helps figure the strength, its a mouth, like the rolling stones thing


Well-Known Member
the only way to really tell the strength is to ask how many times it was dipped. most dealers dont know the answer though


Well-Known Member
If it's insanely strong you could take a hit and really enjoy it. I took two hits my first time and I had a ball tripping balls.

And as previously stated, Pink Floyd is a must.

In the US it's $10 a hit, but for a 10 strip most people will cut you a deal and you can pay $80.


Active Member
Just dropped 1/2 a tab. have the other half ready if its not too strong. Downloaded pink floyd echos and got the hitchhikers guide and family guy blue harvest. Got some trippy blue christmas lights and nice posters. Have two other tripping friends along for the ride and our sober person will be here in 5 or so minits. IF im able, might post some mid trip thoughts. But if not, I'l be back tomorrow


Active Member
Well from my expertise...
I recommend 4 to 5 tabs, asked for "intense out of this world trip",BUT then again that doesn't matter,I'll explain that further into this lesson/theory,but as i suggest for anyone who wants an "INTENSE TRIP" but able to function...

id recomend an half an eighter of shrooms,(since its typically natural),eat half of it,then take 2 stamps....but important notice ,remember not all of them are dosed the same.....(example)you can have 2 tabs,and it has a dosage of 6 maybe, and even vice versa,you can get 1 and have the dose of depends on the product of your dealer,ask people who buy from him/her.
more importanly,do not pay so much attention from people in different areas,listen to the ones in your's ,they are bound to get the exact products you have,just work you way around it.
for example if you're dealers been selling cid for a while...chances our he gets the same product from the main supplier,why?Acid is not a baby crime like selling marijuana,so the dealer is bound to be class A or...class F ,which is someone who buys a strip...for 80 like you said....gets worth 110,and gets a 30 dollor profit,which usually are gone to waste stamps,that a dealer sold away to a low class kid....



Active Member
He got the acid from Eindhoven. I intended to take more then a half, but he had some last night (and hes done it lots of times) and said it is insanely strong and to definatly not take more then one, which is why i dropped the dosage back to a half with more later if i think im good for it


Active Member
Feeling really happy now. Definately tripping. Got this wierd sensation that everywhere just outside my vision is halucinating, or something that makes sence


Well-Known Member
best way to trip if your gunna do that is take half like you did then once you start to feel it take that other half.