I'm voting for McCain....


New Member
Now remind me, who is doing the name calling?

Are you high? lol

I'm not conservative, and in fact i follow NO party, i have MY OWN opinions.
And we wouldnt need unions if the government would do a better job at protecting us, which is why we give them so much of our hard earned dollars.

I have my own opinions too. I suspect you are talking about the Canadian situation so I'll want comment on that. Maybe you shouldn't that regarding American workers?

so wait, i am the one resorting to attacks? thats weak and you sound like you have the mentality of an 8 year old at best :finger:

Yes you did resort to attacks. Just like the one above. And what's funny is that you say I'm acting like am 8th grader yet you have to use a silly little smiley face to flip me off. Oh yeah Chuckle Nuts.......REAL mature. lol

my country gives me a pension, i dont need my employer to shell out bucks for me not working. thats why i give money to the government everyday dipshit
I live in AMERICA you DON'T. Please stop because you don't have a clue, I'm getting tired of kickin' your ass. I posted a link and you posted Jr High level attacks. You are truly out matched.


New Member
I live in AMERICA you DON'T. Please stop because you don't have a clue, I'm getting tired of kickin' your ass. I posted a link and you posted Jr High level attacks. You are truly out matched.
oh but i have lived in America, and in fact i was born there,, buut i left, because it was turning back into shit when more and more people like you started coming around... you have kicked noones ass punk,, you can keep saying it over and over again but we all know who the real winner is


New Member
oh but i have lived in America, and in fact i was born there,, buut i left, because it was turning back into shit when more and more people like you started coming around... you have kicked noones ass punk,, you can keep saying it over and over again but we all know who the real winner is
Thanks, Chuck. I appreciate that vote of confidence.


New Member
i have yet to hear "good" from you

i dont think less of ANYONE on this site,, even those punk ass kids who post a million times asking why their plant is dying when they are feeding it bleach.

you are lower


Active Member
obama doesn't have the expeirence. and now with Biden as V.P. it's to fucking liberal. why didn't he choose a V.P. a little more in the middle so he could try to get more votes, and offer something for everyone. MCCAIN it is!!


New Member
obama doesn't have the expeirence.
you don't need experience to be the president. Any person with good common sense and a good set of morals can run a country great! we just have yet to see one of those :(

and now with Biden as V.P. it's to fucking liberal. why didn't he choose a V.P. a little more in the middle so he could try to get more votes, and offer something for everyone. MCCAIN it is!!
it is interesting you say that. this part especially "why didn't he choose a V.P. a little more in the middle". the liberal party is in the middle of the spectrum. The most basic linear political spectrum is right(republicans), middle(liberal) and left-wing(democrat), in case you were unaware


Well-Known Member
Let's see, Obama was a Community Organizer, a State Senator, and a US Senator.
McCain, 20 years as a US Senator and a fuck up in the military, got lost shot down and ended up telling everything he knew as a POW..
Biden, 30 years US Senator.
Palin, Mayor of a town of 9,000 and Governor of 3 1/5 years in Alaska.
Looks to me lie the Qualifications are pretty well balanced.
Do your homework.



New Member
there will always be groups who impede on personal freedom and destroy what is left of our fragile ecosystem

and that group is called "republicans"


Well-Known Member
Fragile Ecosystem?

Seems like it's very resilient to me. Some how it's survived the depradations of humanity for 200,000 years. It's survived events so catastrophic that it wiped out the top of the food chain (dinosaurs).

No, I think our planet will likely still be here long after we have left it (either for space or for our graves.)