Does the law monitor sites like this.


Well-Known Member
Do you think law enforcement pays attention to sites like this. I myself don't think they have the budget but I am only guessing. Me being in the States it might be different than the rest of the planet.just curious what everyone thinks


Staff member
Our website is worldwide it's unlikely they care that much to try and figure out who is in their area who is legal and who isn't and who is using real photos or stolen picture off the internet

Just be cared with what you post about yourself


Well-Known Member
Just be cared with what you post about yourself
This. If you're not in a legal spot then avoid all that.

I'm not saying getting busted cause of RIU posts can't happen. But the fault would be user error if anything.
Lets say you're loud irl about what you're doing. Someone knows you post here and your username or something. Pissed off old room mate. Jilted lover etc.
They decide to be A-holes and point it out to the piggies. Meanwhile you've posted photos of yourself in the post your picture here and your dog that you let run around your yard in the post your pet here thread. Piggy does a knock and talk and "smells MJ". Highly unlikely scenario but it possibly could happen. That would be user error.
I've actually pointed out a few things to people via PM. A license plate # in view. Mail. A guy who dropped his email addy and it was one he used for his personal FB as well. Had to tell him he screwed up and should switch things asap. He said his stuff was secure and wasn't tied to anything until I dropped his real name/location.
All user error.
So just play it safe.
God knows I'd love to post my plants and how they've vastly improved since I've been here but I'm erring on the side of caution. (Especially my 2-liter bottle thick colas with almost twice the length)
Better safe than sorry though.

Hell I've seen 2 youtube guerrilla growers get popped because of too much info.


Virtually Unknown Member
especially if the "G", in a full court press, gets you on their radar for something, anything that they can toss in a conspiracy charge

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I think it's much more likely to go the other direction. You get on the radar by being sloppy, and then they figure out what your profile is and use stuff you posted as extra evidence against you. So yeah, be careful what you post, but I doubt they'll be showing up at your door based just off your posts here. I just don't think cops are on here trying to figure out who each of us are, even the best on here are still comparatively small fry in terms of what law enforcement is after, and I think most cops would probably feel kinda silly like they are browsing a pot site at work. If they were gonna grab you on here it wouldn't be from sleuthing your pics either, it would be by becoming friends and asking you to send/trade them something illegal so they have solid evidence and an address to link you to.


Well-Known Member
in terms of what law enforcement is after
I wouldn't underestimate that though. Let's take guerrilla guys for example. I'd say most of them live and operate in out of the way places. Not smack dab in the middle of a large city.You know rural areas. That usually equals small towns.
Small towns have desperate cops and police departments. Gotta keep those old house wives voting to keep the people who are in office right where they are.
Any sort of bust like that they make you can bet it's on the front page of their local paper along with the "approximate value" which includes the entire plant, rootball and rocks attached to it thrown in the scales. Then they make some speech about how they're doing the noble thing and fighting the good fight against everything from organised crime/cartels to funding terrorism.
The same thing with small indoor ops. Personal and otherwise. It usually goes in the paper. Maybe the local news if they're having a slow day and catch it on the scanners. They try their best to make the grower sound like they're Senior Escobar or Scareface. Which is what the general public sees. Hell I've seen several people who have been popped post just that as to what happened to them.


Well-Known Member
Posting about rollitup on facebook would probably be a bad idea as well. There's countless stories about bust because of facebook. Facebook is not yer friend.


Well-Known Member
I guess my worse case scenario is they use this site to target seed banks that sell to States where it's not legal. I don't know how these seed banks keep if they keep people's info.but sending your order registered mail and notifying you via email seems risky. That being said I still got my order fast and would do it again