Can you grow under a table in a basement?


Well-Known Member

The basement in my house is a great place to grow and for stealth. But what would I need to grow in a damp and cold basement?



Active Member
unless your looking for expert, top quality or at least the most from your plants, i wouldnt worry abou to much for now to get em started. it is a weed, and it will grow. just get some light and dont overwater.


Well-Known Member
you might want a dehumidifier, too. Dandy makes a nice efficient unit. The 3 in 1 model (heater/dehumid/fan) is great. It has a digital display with a thermostat and auto dehumidifier. set the levels you want and the machine does the rest. 179.99 at costco. its well worth is. also you can save the water from the dehumidifier to water your plants.


Well-Known Member
you might want a dehumidifier, too. Dandy makes a nice efficient unit. The 3 in 1 model (heater/dehumid/fan) is great. It has a digital display with a thermostat and auto dehumidifier. set the levels you want and the machine does the rest. 179.99 at costco. its well worth is. also you can save the water from the dehumidifier to water your plants.
This guy is trying to sell us dehumidifiers!

YouTube - Clerks episode - Vilification

Seem familiar?


Well-Known Member
the resemblance is uncanny. UNCANNY
you finally got to show everyone your sense of humor by displaying links to mildly funny video clips comparing cigarrettes and death merchants to the advocation of dehumidifiers.

brilliant; and funny, too!!!

and by the way, its never to late to use a dehumidifier. cuz you know, i work for Danby and Costco and want nothing more than to coax you into quitting smoking.
If theres something worse than responding late to a thread its comparing it to a video like this. I mean, the video is funny, but seems rather random and more like "hey member this? im funny cuz i remember it"

good movie though...


Well-Known Member
The comparison is this:

The guy in the video is a shill (a person who is planted in the audience to support the seller), you are also a shill (or seemingly so). It would seem you are here to sell dehumidifiers, even if people don't really need one, but yet you assumed they did. Anyway, don't confuse points either... it makes for poor rebuttal.


Well-Known Member
wow you are a gentleman, and a scholar. you accuse me of being a shill, forcibly selling dehumidifiers, and of course, confusing your oh so relevant points.

Look at the FIRST sentence in the thread. Yep, i noticed it too. Only i picked up on it the first time. He said the words 'basement' and 'damp'.

Investigate further down, PlasmaRadio and you will find my friendly suggestion that he "might" need a dehumidifier. Being that i purchased one myself, a great little unit as you can see through my excitement about the product, i recommended it to a fellow grower. This is what we call 'word of mouth' marketing, and yes, it often happens unknowingly. UNLESS you have ultra intelligent people like Plasma, and his keen insight into the obvious, to point out these freindly suggestions and label you an assumptious shill.

whos confused???


Well-Known Member
wow i feel like im in highschool again. and im starting to think im wasting my time. But heck, ive never been ganged up on a pot forum before. Wheres overgrow. the people seemed much more friendly and open to advice on that site.

Dude, all i did was reccommend a dehumidifier for your 'cold damp basement'. am i the only one who see's the logic in that?


Well-Known Member
I love how you act like we care if you go to another forum and feel like it matters.

Go on, Go to a shitty forum.


Well-Known Member
No, its not me trying to sound sophisticated; Its you just being your dim-witted self.
anyway. this whole site just reeks of overgrow. Everything you are seeing, all the tabs, titles, the grow FAQ's, even right down to the thread categories, were all inspired by overgrow. Oh yeah, and the colour scheme and layout, IDENTICAL.
OG was the mother of this, and all other grow forums on the net. Unfortunatly it was shut down by the feds. i had some wicked pics on there. I'll have some on here soon, too. just wait. Im trying to see which site is the best and rollitup is on top of the list. Even though theres punkfucks like you who dont know shit about anything to do with growing weed, I will still visit this site. Alll i was saying is, as much as this site LOOKS the same as overgrow, its far from what i expected. but hey, thats my fault. I just joined this bitch and no one knows me yet. are you still reading this??? lol

note to self - dont recommend Danby dehumids to whulkamania after he asks what he might need for a damp basement. duh. what was i thinking...

peace out, whulky. I'll see you around for sure.

PS are you saying marijuana forums aren't sophisticated?. have you seen the wealth of intelligent information packed into these threads?


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck would I need you to even reply to my thread that I made 5 months ago? You come on here acting like you are Gods gift to growing Marijuana.

Go on a LegalBuds forum.