Keep deer out

Well-Known Member
I was going to plant outdoors also, but i'm afraid the deer, cows, donkey, or horses will get to it even with my small gate around it.

So i think i'm just going to keep it indoors, until I can build a real fence.


Well-Known Member
i literally string fishing line back and forth like a fence and works great if you have the proportions right. they are supposed to not be able to see the clear line proper and dont want to jump what they cant gauge. all deer are different though; seen em crawl under if possible lol. i also piss all around the borders. save your piss in a jug and let abunnch lose on the outskirts of grow. rank ass piss lets em know whats good
Ive also used hair from a dog after brushing them. Then I put it in a baggy and spread it all around my plot... Keeps most anything that will eat them out.


Well-Known Member
a man in the no! I stick whole bars on ends of branchs the fuckers climb the branch to get to the soap

A few years ago I was walking into one of my patches was getting dark 9 pm in early august n my dog damn near broke my arm by lunging to his left..I only caught a quick glimpse getting spun around but it looked like a beaver with a wheel of cheese in his mouth was my first thought...the dog snapped n shook n it was a huge fuckin rat with a whole bar of dial soap in his mouth... I put like 30 bars out there a week earlier around 10 plants..the rat was dead in under 5 seconds but he was fuckin huge..over 10 lbs n I lived in Chicago for 34 years..I've seen huge rats n this thing was as big a rat as I ever seen.

ky man

Well-Known Member
BEAN DOPE 7 dust,,,,has worked good for me throw it all over the bushes and on the ground around your plants but do not put it on them,DO that just befor a big rain and then it cant be sean but the deer will still smell it...I even put it on some plants one year befor it started to bud and let a heavy rain that night wash it has worked good for me..piss the deer will get ust to that in two weeks or less same way with tyeing up a live dog in the patch.I never have had deer problems and they are 100s of deer where I grow.GROUNDHOGS WILL cut it and drag it off so just find there den and set a leg hold trap and kill there ass.Tarpens will eat pot here when it is small moore then deer here dos not work and every animal even the deer here will eat the line will not turn deer they cant see it and will just walk through it every time even make bean dope 7 dust now in liquid and you can spray it on every dam thing that's the onley thing that works for me is 7 dust.bean

ky man

Well-Known Member
i literally string fishing line back and forth like a fence and works great if you have the proportions right. they are supposed to not be able to see the clear line proper and dont want to jump what they cant gauge. all deer are different though; seen em crawl under if possible lol. i also piss all around the borders. save your piss in a jug and let abunnch lose on the outskirts of grow. rank ass piss lets em know whats good
That piss mixed with water is great nitrogen to grow pot gallon of piss in 10 gallens of water cant beat that..

ky man

Well-Known Member
That has worked for me over 40 years and the growers that showed me that trick was growing befor I was growing and that's what still works for

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
That piss mixed with water is great nitrogen to grow pot gallon of piss in 10 gallens of water cant beat that..
I save my pee from the camp. Since I camp two nights a week, it adds up. I use it in my veggie garden too. But pee is just about the exact same makeup as Blood Meal. Blood meal ain't cheap.

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I saw a fucking heard of deer today going to my new holding grounds. I hope the plants will last a couple of weeks until I get them in holes. I planted all the so-so strains early, but now I'm getting down to the good stuff. I don't want to lose something I only have a couple of seeds of.


Well-Known Member
Deer will get used to the smell of piss and eventually just dismiss your piss smell as something non threatening. Used to drop a full gallon jug of piss and pop holes in it. Just leave it sitting so rain doesn't water it down etc. Same with dog piss. I have a buddy who grows a few plants a year. Has a huge dog kennel. Throws dope plants in the small field area maybe 10 yards away from where the dogs piss, poop, scratch up grass. You name it. Deer are stupid. They'll just ignore dog scents if they get used to it. They've literally bedded down right next to his plants.
The fishing line fence works well though and has already been mentioned. Just buy a lot of the 50lb test line and make a perimeter around your garden. Have varying heights. Make a circle around your perimeter every 2 feet or so.
An unconventional method I came up with works well. Sends em running every time.
Go to a Halloween supply store. Grab one of those door decorations with a motion detector. You know the ones that light up, shake around and make some sort of spooky noise. Laughing skull etc. Slap a post in the ground and attach that sucker to it.
Deer will scramble.
It keeps em out of my veggie garden in summer/fall.


Well-Known Member
They're not stupid, they are using the dogs scent as safety n security.. They can smell the difference from domestic dogs and coyotes. The dogs piss keeps the coyotes out n the deer know this.


Well-Known Member
They're not stupid, they are using the dogs scent as safety n security.. They can smell the difference from domestic dogs and coyotes. The dogs piss keeps the coyotes out n the deer know this.
deer are smart.u got to keep changing things up,one thing deer hate is some thing different its the new smell they will be afraid of got to stay 1 step ahead:bigjoint:i have used few things mentioned here an other things,u gotta keep changing things:hump:

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
My BIL was telling me about a deer {and other critters} repellent product at Lowe's that is sulfur based. Next week when I go to town, I'll try to remember to pick some up. I'll post the name of it.