Advanced Nutrients B-52. Is it worth the price?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
If you like Canna which is one of the best nutrient lines on the market than you should like AN because its basically the same exact shit. AN Jungle Juice 2 part is the same exact formula with a small difference as Canna Substra. They took the 2 part broke it down tweaked it and made their own formula.

People complain saying oh AN is snake oil because they have 10 bottles in their lineup. Fact is yes they do because their formulas are made so you can tweak them to specific strains and have total control over all aspects of your grow from a nutrient stand point.

Botanicare has the same amount of bottles in their lineup but you never here people saying they are a scam or snake oil... So why is that?

Botanicare has:
Base, Cal Mag, Silica, Hydroplex, Hydroguard, Vitamino, Tea, Sweet, and Liquid Karma.

GH also has like 10-12 bottles and amendments. So why arent people ragging in them?

You see my point here. If you knew and understood why they have all the additives in separate bottles than you would realize it is necessary. You can do whatever you want it doesnt matter to me what you use. As I said before I like Canna and Botanicare, but my favorite thing to do is grow organics. But if I was to use bottled nutrients I would use AN, because they produce the biggest yields and great quality. When you use other lines like Botanicare or Canna etc.. You arent gonna be able to get the same yields you can with a dialed in grow of AN its just that simple. When they say you can get another 20-25% yield increase with their products or your money back they mean it. As I said wait for next few months when all these runs are done and information is set and AN has the strain specific nutrient recipes everyone with a brain will be going back and running AN.

People are yielding 3 lbs per light with AN. Ou are not going to get those yields with any of those other lines. People used to try and get 2 per light and those days are long gone, thats still a great yield but if you can get an entire extra pound per light well thats all that needs to be said.

Bottom line is if you arent doing something right noone is gonna hate. People hate AN because they have a great marketing team and know how to get their products out to growers and back their shit up. You got a question about growing cannabis you can call them direct and get an answer where other companies will hang phone up the minute you tell them what youre doing and have a question and need help you get the click. Anyone who runs AN and knows how to grow and wants big dog yields of primo meds knows AN is one of the best all the extra shit aside. There are many good line ups on the market to choose from and they will all grow cannabis but its how well and how much that set the great apart from the good.

And I dont even wanna here people come on trying to say that Dynablow and Jacks is better than AN because thats just a crock of shit. People who run those line ups dont know what they are doing and need one bottle or teo bottles so they dont fuck their shit up because they cant figure out how to control their nutrients, ppm and ph properly or how to tweak recipes using these big lines to get huge yields. Noone and I mean noone is using either of those nutrient lines and get anywhere near 2 lbs per light they be lucky to max out at 1.5 if thats a high yielding variety.

Theres a reason why nutrient companies have several bottles of nutrients in their lineup and no it isnt just to make money and con people because thats absolute bs. Anyone who says that doesnt know what they are talking about. You want big dog results you spend big dog money. Cyco, Canna, Green Planet, Dutch Pro and AN and are top tier nutrients the rest fall flat and cant even compete with anything any one of those lines produce and thats a fact period.
LOL, work for AN much? SoapBox.jpg
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Active Member
I wish I did work for AN I heard they pay their guys top dollar. Maybe someone from their company can see these threads and offer me a gig that would be dope.

Just because I like their nutrients and use them for my grows when I do doesnt mean I have to work for them. And if I did work for them I think I would have been fired when I just recommended 4 other nutrient companies lines that I said are very good as well. Im pretty sure they wouldnt like that too much.

Its kind of funny to me thats all anyone ever says on here instead of trying to use educated information to prove me wrong you all say same thing "oh you work for them" or "youre an idiot who fell for their marketing". I think after growing for over a decade and trying almost every nutrient lineup on the market besides a few I think I know wtf I am talking about. At the end of the day I know you dont run AN I know you have never run AN. I know youre a closet grower who grows maybe 4 plants at a time and doesnt have any money so you need to buy and use cheap nutrients because you are not a big dog grower your a self sufficient grower and AN isnt for you. You can use AN for small grows but I wouldnt do it either if I was small grower like you, AN is for the big dogs stick to your one or two bottles of vegetable nutrients and leave AN for us real deal growers.


Active Member
Why wouldnt you buy cannabis specific nutrients? Thats the dumbest thing you ever said.. Thats like saying lets put vegetable oil in my motor i dont need car oil, oil is oil right? No the fck it aint.. Canna specific nutrients are the way to grow because they were made specifically for that plant.

If im growing tomatoes im not gonna buy rose bulb food im gonna go and buy tomatoe plant food DUH

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Why wouldnt you buy cannabis specific nutrients? Thats the dumbest thing you ever said.. Thats like saying lets put vegetable oil in my motor i dont need car oil, oil is oil right? No the fck it aint.. Canna specific nutrients are the way to grow because they were made specifically for that plant.

If im growing tomatoes im not gonna buy rose bulb food im gonna go and buy tomatoe plant food DUH
BECAUSE, I am smart enough to know that cannabis is a plant and doesn't require expensive cannabis specific nutes, you are so stupid. I wonder If @sunni cares that this is your 4th or 5th account?


Active Member
BECAUSE, I am smart enough to know that cannabis is a plant and doesn't require expensive cannabis specific nutes, you are so stupid. I wonder If @sunni cares that this is your 4th or 5th account?
You arent smart at all. Your small peanuts.

And this is my 2nd account as ai stated earlier if you were so smart you would remember that I said I lost my pw and cant retrieve it because I dont know what email I used for the account so I had to make a new one.

And anyone who thinks dynablow and jacks are premium nutrients and that all plants are plants and you know how to "read your plants" is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life.

If you think growing straight synthetic salt based nutrients is the way to grow proves in spades your still a newb


Active Member
Im sure you will let whoever you need to know because you love snitchin and cryin to the admin like u did before. You can dish it but cant take it back when someone puts you in your place which is the corner like the little kid you are so go to Time out before I tell your mom what your doing on her internet.


Active Member
If all plants were the same and every plant on this planet required the same nutrients and you can use any nutrient on any plant, then there would be 1 bottle of nutrients and 1 book written on botany and that would be the end of it.

Not only is cannabis one of the most unique plants in the world the variations between varieties and strains alone changes a plants requirments and nutritional needs. As example so plants require more nitrogen, some like heavy calcium while other want more mag and potassium. So you dont know wtf you are talking about period.

Which is why AN as an example makes different additives so you can play with the amounts and tailor them to your strain something tjat uou absolutely cannot do with dynagro or jacks because that is not what those nutrients are for!!! And i will be waitin for an educated response since you are so smart and know exactly what you arent doing correctly... Please humor me


Active Member
Yeah you are right you can grow cannabis with cheap nutrients as you can grow any plant with cheap nutrients it is the end results that tell the real story.

You are not going to get 2+ lbs per light running dynagro or jacks it aint happening. And you arent growing top shelf high quality med because that stuff is 100% lab made synthetic salts that do not produce high quality meds. You smoke that shit and get headaches and taste all the ferts in the plant and that shit is crap.


Active Member
You are trying to argue with someone who been growing way longer than you and done way bigger grows then you, with way better results and has spent the money on high quality nutrients. Dont sit here try and tell me that dynagro and jacks is better than AN because that is absolute bs. Yah u can use those nutrients and your plant will grow and flower that doesnt mean that the shit is any goood though. It means nothing.


Active Member
And like I said before I dont even like bottled nutriens I grow all organic now make all my own soils, teas, i got worm farm make all my own castings and worm compost teas and thats the real deal.

But if im gonna use bottle nutes im running AN and spending the money and getting killer yields and top dog meds. They arent best the for quality but they are top 5 and number 1 for yields period. If you want wuality and sacrifice yields than Botanicare and Bio Bizz or Bio Canna is they way to grow.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
And like I said before I dont even like bottled nutriens I grow all organic now make all my own soils, teas, i got worm farm make all my own castings and worm compost teas and thats the real deal.

But if im gonna use bottle nutes im running AN and spending the money and getting killer yields and top dog meds. They arent best the for quality but they are top 5 and number 1 for yields period. If you want wuality and sacrifice yields than Botanicare and Bio Bizz or Bio Canna is they way to grow.

you are way too inevested into this thread, and if your intention is to speak the praises of AN and sell it, well you didnt do your job. If you work for AN, you should be fired.

Looked at your posts, and you obviously work for them.

This forum needs about 100 moderators to clean up not only multiple sales account but also all the negativity and childish BS. someday when Roll it up is no longer, it is the trolling that ruined it.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
If you like Canna which is one of the best nutrient lines on the market than you should like AN because its basically the same exact shit. AN Jungle Juice 2 part is the same exact formula with a small difference as Canna Substra. They took the 2 part broke it down tweaked it and made their own formula.

People complain saying oh AN is snake oil because they have 10 bottles in their lineup. Fact is yes they do because their formulas are made so you can tweak them to specific strains and have total control over all aspects of your grow from a nutrient stand point.

Botanicare has the same amount of bottles in their lineup but you never here people saying they are a scam or snake oil... So why is that?

Botanicare has:
Base, Cal Mag, Silica, Hydroplex, Hydroguard, Vitamino, Tea, Sweet, and Liquid Karma.

GH also has like 10-12 bottles and amendments. So why arent people ragging in them?

You see my point here. If you knew and understood why they have all the additives in separate bottles than you would realize it is necessary. You can do whatever you want it doesnt matter to me what you use. As I said before I like Canna and Botanicare, but my favorite thing to do is grow organics. But if I was to use bottled nutrients I would use AN, because they produce the biggest yields and great quality. When you use other lines like Botanicare or Canna etc.. You arent gonna be able to get the same yields you can with a dialed in grow of AN its just that simple. When they say you can get another 20-25% yield increase with their products or your money back they mean it. As I said wait for next few months when all these runs are done and information is set and AN has the strain specific nutrient recipes everyone with a brain will be going back and running AN.

People are yielding 3 lbs per light with AN. Ou are not going to get those yields with any of those other lines. People used to try and get 2 per light and those days are long gone, thats still a great yield but if you can get an entire extra pound per light well thats all that needs to be said.

Bottom line is if you arent doing something right noone is gonna hate. People hate AN because they have a great marketing team and know how to get their products out to growers and back their shit up. You got a question about growing cannabis you can call them direct and get an answer where other companies will hang phone up the minute you tell them what youre doing and have a question and need help you get the click. Anyone who runs AN and knows how to grow and wants big dog yields of primo meds knows AN is one of the best all the extra shit aside. There are many good line ups on the market to choose from and they will all grow cannabis but its how well and how much that set the great apart from the good.

And I dont even wanna here people come on trying to say that Dynablow and Jacks is better than AN because thats just a crock of shit. People who run those line ups dont know what they are doing and need one bottle or teo bottles so they dont fuck their shit up because they cant figure out how to control their nutrients, ppm and ph properly or how to tweak recipes using these big lines to get huge yields. Noone and I mean noone is using either of those nutrient lines and get anywhere near 2 lbs per light they be lucky to max out at 1.5 if thats a high yielding variety.

Theres a reason why nutrient companies have several bottles of nutrients in their lineup and no it isnt just to make money and con people because thats absolute bs. Anyone who says that doesnt know what they are talking about. You want big dog results you spend big dog money. Cyco, Canna, Green Planet, Dutch Pro and AN and are top tier nutrients the rest fall flat and cant even compete with anything any one of those lines produce and thats a fact period.
I pull 3 lbs a light with Ionic bloom. One part from start to finish.

Yeilds come from genetics and environment. Not nutrients.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
you are way too inevested into this thread, and if your intention is to speak the praises of AN and sell it, well you didnt do your job. If you work for AN, you should be fired.

Looked at your posts, and you obviously work for them.

This forum needs about 100 moderators to clean up not only multiple sales account but also all the negativity and childish BS. someday when Roll it up is no longer, it is the trolling that ruined it.
you would think for the short time his mom lets him on the internet, he would use it for more than insulting people on roll it up with his paragraphs of BS.


Active Member
I pull 3 lbs a light with Ionic bloom. One part from start to finish.

Yeilds come from genetics and environment. Not nutrients.
Yeah good genetics give you the ability to get big yields but you still need the proper environment and nutrients in order for them to get produce those numbers.

I have never used any of the Ionic nutrients so I cant comment on them Im not familiar with their products. But I spoke to you before I believe and I dont believe you get anywhere near those numbers maybe 2 per light if that. Put up some pics of your grow I can tell with 1-2 photos if thats what you are getting for dry weight.

The only people getting 3 lbs per light that I have seen in person no BS are running Current Cultures or dwc or systems of that nature running Gavitas which produce more light output than standard 1000w lights I am using for reference. Coco and peat growers running AN are averaging 2.5 per 1000w from all the feedback I am getting from these new charts and re formulated nutrients that are strain specific (they are not available to the public yet). May be a fee more months until this happens.

And idk why I have to work for AN just because I said their products work. Like I have said a million times dont buy their products I could care less I am just tired of you trolls on here talking shit about AN when they are one of the best nutrients in the world let alone the US. And this is politics and marketing put aside. Yeah the shit that old man did was wrong and he will pay for his crimes but that has nothing to do with their products. I been running Canna for years prior to going back to AN and Canna just doesnt produce the same yields or quality I get running AN and its that simple. The Bio Canna quality is better but you also yield like 10-20% less than you would running the AN and thats not something I am willing to give up to gain a small variance of quality.

My post and information simply is stating that I use AN and get very good results, therefore you cannot say something is BS and snake oil if it produces premium meds and yields. That just makes no sense. And for all you people who are so smart none of you have answered any of my basic questions.

So I will ask them again:
If all nutrients can grow any plant than why would there be different nutrient companies who all use different ratios of nutrients, additives, bacterias etc???

I will be waiting for an educated response although I wont hold my breath because noone ever wants to back things they claim up they just talk and deflect by arguing and name calling instead of having an educated conversation detailing the reasoning for such outlandish claims.

And an educated response does not include saying the nutrients are expensive because thats has nothing to do with the quality of nutrients or what it produces. I want an answer on why you or whoever for that matter is trying to say that AN are not good nutrients who actually have used them, do use them or know someone who uses them in which they know what they are doing and have done runs themselves or seen them in person who can tell me what the problem with their nutrients are because I would love to hear this.
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Active Member
As an example I will see if I can have my buddy come on here who gave me this chem cut about 8-9 years back who started running it with the GH 3 part and then to Canna and stayed with that for past 5 years or so. He was never able to yield over 2 lbs per light ever. I finally got this cut from him about 18 months ago and my last 3 runs I did minus one sour run I did between my last one I pulled over 2.25 every single time with AN. Long story short he aint running Canna anymore.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
LOL, Blah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blaBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahh,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blahBlah,blah,blah
