So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.


Well-Known Member
Bootstraps? lol. Pathetic.

It's clear all ambition you had to be a decent human being left your body a long time ago, and now all you've got left in the last 15-20 remaining years of your miserable life is a damp apartment, meth addiction, and fake friends on the internet from which you garner all your self esteem.

I feel sorry for you and your unstatisfyingly tiny penis.
Sorry, liberal guilt washes up against uncaring rocky cliffs up in here.

And I'm sure your life resembles your description far more than mine ever did or ever will.

My life is a Disney movie filled with loving, responsible people. I have no doubt your life is a festering, herpes-riddled lap pinky.

But, if it makes you feel better about yourself, think what you like. I do.


Well-Known Member
If that were even remotely true, the onslaught of support from stockholders would be so dramatic, corporate executives wouldn't stand a chance of stopping the implementation of your plan.

By the bullshit logic you just tried on me, why do you assert capitalists hate making more money?
The gov't subsidizes the robbery and taxpayers float the workers.

Increased wages would also result in less need for the safety net you wish to remove. That corporate greed is what is killing the economy is precisely what the liberals have been saying all along. Support from stockholders is not a market force of any real consequence.


Well-Known Member
The gov't subsidizes the robbery and taxpayers float the workers.

Increased wages would also result in less need for the safety net you wish to remove.
Sounds like a Progressive utopia. Heard it THOUSANDS of times before, on thousands of Progressive boondoggles.

You should make this very compelling argument to the heads of industry. They love money and if it passes muster at all, it should be enthusiastically supported by all of them.


Well-Known Member
Do I think they should make 15 bucks an hour starting at McDonald's ? No. Do I think that it is an easy job? No. I am a lazy pothead no way I could be hauling ass making heart attack burgers.. I appreciate people that have shitty jobs and I always say please and thank you . Because I know that could easily be me .
With that being said.. Most poor people or people with shit jobs at a later age... Are terrible with money. It takes money to make money.. So your not going to get anywhere by pissing away your penny's . I see broke ass minimum wage working dudes walking in and out of liquor stores with a 12 pack, a pack of smokes, a liter of soda, and a candy bar. They don't think logically to better themselves . This being the case with most people.
we are all going to have to live a lesser style of living than we have been used to the passed 10 years. This doesn't mean you are poverty . So much talk about it even being hard to survive in the middle class now a days. Well give up your gas sucking suv, your 20 inch rims, and all your badass toys.. Start to focus on your family and nutrition and less on your iPads and premium cable .
Gas prices are extremely low in the United States comparing to other countries. We use the shit out of it, I would expect to pay more.
Food is cheap. Average family spends something like 13% of income on food.
Housing is reasonable comparing to wages.
Credit.. If you are an American and not a complete idiot, you can get credit out the wazoo to do or start something or survive at a time of need.
I'm stoned but i think we have it pretty damn easy in this country .


Well-Known Member
This ignores the fact that raising the minimum wage will increase aggregate demand by putting more money in working class hands which will propel the economy. Your bitter hatred toward the poor notwithstanding, this will create opportunities.
I don't hate the poor. I hate people who bitch about their wage, even though that's what they signed up for.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think that they give a fuck about the economy?
I don't think that at all. YOU said it will create demand and all businesses will prosper. I think it's the ramblings of someone who has never owned a business. It definitely sounds like the kind of hair-brained bullshit that comes from academics with ZERO real world experience. What it really amounts to is a stirring up of the useful idiots. Dems need them some votes, so it's time to put the hammer down on the party's slogan for this election.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that at all.
Then why did you say it? You have completely distorted this from the topic. The fact is that corporate greed is crushing the economy by keeping the working class consumers from having spare money to spend. Your canard about academics just shows your disdain for facts. If you think you know so much, why don't you ever back up your statements with factual examples?

It's clear that you only oppose a minimum wage hike because you have a deep seated hatred for less fortunate people. However, when presented with an argument that aggregate demand is the driving force behind the economy you show that you get your views from industry heads who profit by having tax payers keep low wage employees on snap and obamacare.


Well-Known Member
kinda like you were doing while i was kicking your ass at pool during the blizzard?
I was just stating that if the Mexicans I worked with would stand up for themselves, they would receive bigger raises and make more money. Since none of them would, it kept down the average pay and kept the raises small. I also told you what I would have said and done if they tried taking advantage of me come raise time. Oh well, I still made more than any of them.

Probably due to the melanin content of my skin, homey.

BTW, why wasn't I out plowing?


Well-Known Member
First off, I reject your entire premise.

Secondly, I'm more of an end food stamps, unemployment, welfare, Medicaid type guy. You're trying to tug on heartstrings that are tuned to reject liberal guilt trips. You wanna take some of those trillions we would recoup and feed and support just the children, fine by me. As for the adults, fuck them. Work or starve, succeed or fail. Take responsibility for your plight, I'm sure as hell not going to do it for you.
you would've fit right in 1870's.


Well-Known Member
Lolz @ McDonalds. The true measure of all economic theories. We should go down this suicidal path cause, you know, McDonalds...Denmark. Wow.

But, you should move to Denmark. I fully support Socialists and the ilk like them, moving to countries that exemplify their beliefs. Aloha and happy trails.
actually, it is..have you never heard of 'big mac index'?

The Big Mac index, also known as Big Mac PPP, is a survey done by The Economist magazine that is used to measure the purchasing power parity (PPP) between nations, using the price of a Big Mac as the benchmark.


Well-Known Member
I was just stating that if the Mexicans I worked with would stand up for themselves, they would receive bigger raises and make more money. Since none of them would, it kept down the average pay and kept the raises small. I also told you what I would have said and done if they tried taking advantage of me come raise time. Oh well, I still made more than any of them.

Probably due to the melanin content of my skin, homey.

BTW, why wasn't I out plowing?
^^^^^ sound like his girfriend.


Well-Known Member
maybe if we just up the racist hatred and start calling people 'ragheads' and 'spicks' and 'niggers' like you do,
You conveniently forgot the racial slur "dothead" that your MODERATOR chum racerboy likes using
as outlined below by one of your quotes

racerboy is not a racist.

his usage of dothead was insensitive though.

so let me get this correct from your logic (the logic of unclebutthurt)

1, it is racially insensitive for MODERATOR racerboy to refer to folk of colour as "dotheads"
although it is not "racist hatred" for MODERATOR racerboy to do this

2 if NON moderator Uncleben refers to folk of colour as "ragheads" then this becomes "racist hatred" rather than "racial insensitivity"
as in the case with MODERATOR racerboy

my personal belief is both raghead and dothead are derogatory terms
anyone using those terms as an insult or label should receive the same condemnation, regardless of their MODERATOR or non moderator status