Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
So last weekend my gf got hit by a drunk driver. The drunk is dead. My gf was in the passenger seat and her legs got crushed. Her friend who was driving is in a fucking coma. At first she seemed like she was going to be ok but slipped into the coma on wednesday. I've been in the hospital with my lady since but she may be coming home this weekend they said.

I've gotten over my anger with it all. Sorry I was a cockbag last weekend, I was just not myself.

And yeah, I'm serious.

Please be safe if yer going to drink and drive tonight.

Ps thanks for the pm's and kind thoughts this week from a bunch of you, I am thankful for the RIU friends I have.


Well-Known Member
The dank's a little too strong, and I got busted.

Smoked a blunt around 3, lit a heavy duty incense, lit a candle. Cracked a window. 5 hours later when my wife comes home are, "Are you smoking pot again? You're totally stoned aren't you?"
How do you end up married to someone that doesn't let you smoke pot? I just couldn't see that happening, not that my number one priority is to get stoned or anything. It's one of the top priorities though bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
How do you end up married to someone that doesn't let you smoke pot? I just couldn't see that happening, not that my number one priority is to get stoned or anything. It's one of the top priorities though bongsmilie

She doesn't care that I do, but she doesn't and so for some reason I feel obligated to try and be discrete


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was all of the incense and candle burning, the open window, empty bottle of febreeze, and the pipe you were too stoned to remember to put away that tipped her off. If you stepped out and smoked a bowl, I'm pretty sure five hours later it would be long gone.
Lol wtf that sounds to perfect ? You must be a Hermie?


Well-Known Member
^ lols my wife gave me the ultimatum of quit drinking and doing drugs or we are through.
bitch was cheating on me and getting drunk everyday. found out she was fucking a crack dealer I had beef with for her fix. I confronted her and she kept saying it wasn't true. It was true, but her arguement was I had my ex sleeping over at my house quite often, I told her she was always there over 15 years history and I always slept in a diff room or pass out in the same bed but other people were sitting with us getting high.

atleast now I cantell my girl I'm banging h, worst that happens is ''can I come over''


Well-Known Member
She doesn't care that I do, but she doesn't and so for some reason I feel obligated to try and be discrete
my wife doesn't smoke period,,but is the one who told me I should grow my own and not buy it,I don't smoke cigs or pot in the house,,I have a nice mancave for that,,,being discrete is probably why she feels like she caught ya,,and you feel busted when she smells it,,if she doesn't care stop being discrete


Well-Known Member
lols so many raves this weekend, I need to convince my surety to take me. my surety being my mom will not approve... i told her this will be fun ''promise I'll stay sober''

i just want to get groovy with some old friends, she can come to the after party but damnit.