How Are your STOOLS lately?


Well-Known Member
So things are a bit constipated on RIU lately… (where IS everyone anyway?) Let's class it up shall we?

There's actually a chart for this. Classic. I'm ordering one for all my family and friends for Christmas:

The Bristol Stool Chart:
Where do you rank? Discuss…..



Well-Known Member
What type is it that when its like a cork in a bottle...the cork shoots out and the rest is liquids? Champagne type?type 1/7?
I think we are getting too old when we are discussing size, color and frequency of our bowels:P


Staff member
number 4 is actually considered the best, but 3 is really good too, im usually 3-4 mostly because my diet is extremely high in fiber

Magic Mike

Well-Known Member
Usually a large diameter curled #3 in the morning. followed by several #3~#4's after. Things really ease out as I take digestive enzymes and probiotics and fiber. Digestion for me has never been smoother. It's a breeze to drop one. I fill the whole bowl up several times a day as everything I eat the day before is completely digested, very efficient digestion and increased nutrient uptake and energy levels.

Good topic maybe this thread will attract Pinworm.


Well-Known Member
Type 2 and type 4... several times a day. When I get drunk I can expect watery, green shit for a couple days.