Desperation: What have you done when you couldn't get the goods ?


Active Member
So this is from about 3 days ago...

and then today, I found 3 seeds, crushed and smoked them in hopes of a headchange. Maybe I should have planted them instead :O)


Well-Known Member
Yea bro....seeds? (shakes my head). I ordered fake weed once....never again. That shit ain't weed, or anything close to weed lol


Active Member
Rofl i went to a headshop here in east TN to see if they sold K3 but got a sturn lecture abotu how it is illegal in TN now form the owner.


Well-Known Member
Dude. you desperate man! And you can still buy that stuff online no prob, not that i recommend it though


Active Member
Yea but i'll be damned if i'm gonna catch a charge for having something delivered to my house that isn't even weed lol


Active Member
Give a man a sack he will be happy for a day, give him seeds and he will be happy for life.
I have put some thought into it but I live in an apartment, just worried maintenance would happen across it. Apparently one plant is a felony in TN, which came as a shock to me since you could have up to 5 in KY where i came from and still be a misdemeanor. I have heard KY has (or had before it became legal in some states) some of the most lax weed laws in the US, being able to have up to a half pound and still remain a misdemeanor.


Well-Known Member
I have put some thought into it but I live in an apartment, just worried maintenance would happen across it. Apparently one plant is a felony in TN, which came as a shock to me since you could have up to 5 in KY where i came from and still be a misdemeanor. I have heard KY has (or had before it became legal in some states) some of the most lax weed laws in the US, being able to have up to a half pound and still remain a misdemeanor.
Go hang in the Indoor growing section....won't help tho if your landlord goes into your apt whenever he wants. Growing is not hard at all


Active Member
Go hang in the Indoor growing section....won't help tho if your landlord goes into your apt whenever he wants. Growing is not hard at all
I cant wait till I am able to get a place where I feel I can grow risk free ( or as close to risk free as you can get ). Just too many people have access to the apartment for me to be comfortable with it here (maintenance changing filters monthly, exterminator comes in monthly).


Well-Known Member
I cant wait till I am able to get a place where I feel I can grow risk free ( or as close to risk free as you can get ). Just too many people have access to the apartment for me to be comfortable with it here (maintenance changing filters monthly, exterminator comes in monthly).
Just go to Indoor forum and get some ideas. All sorts of stealth and if you put cameras in the apt. prior to the grow, catch them snooping and hold them accountable, then they won't snoop, etc, etc


Active Member
Just go to Indoor forum and get some ideas. All sorts of stealth and if you put cameras in the apt. prior to the grow, catch them snooping and hold them accountable, then they won't snoop, etc, etc
Alright, I will check it out, though TBH when you throw in the word felony I am kind of a chicken shit. I have this phobia of prison sex...
Desperation coming back to riu after you've be banned
I don't really know why you guys (you and pinworm) think I am someone who has previously been banned and i'm not really sure how i can convince you otherwise.
Here is what i can do though.
I am 30 year old computer science student who moved to tn around a year ago.
I use bigjoe83 as my league of legends tag (i bring this up because my username seems to be the issue here)

So thats why I chose it, actually my first choice was "bigjoe" but that was taken so i added 1983.
Does my demeanor seem the same as the person you think I am ? Am I the same age ? I dont know, i was just getting along well ( i felt like it was well) with other people on the forums, then i get banned.

Just talk to me before you ban me again please...

Edited out my fb profile at the request of a user
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