

New Member
You expressed yoursefl very well:blsmoke::peace:
I have been to the point of wanting to kill myself about every other week. Being this depressed is life altering. I cant manage to hold a job.... or manage to get an education. If i go to work on a bad day i end up flipping out on someone and loosing my job and the same goes for school. whether it be a teacher, best friend, girlfriend, or my own mother. I have lost alot of people that i feel to be close to me (they arnt dead but they are still out of my life) and its all because of the person that i am.

The way i feel in real life when i get in these moods is really hard to explain. But the only way i can explain it would be .... I feel dead to the world.

Anyway im sorry i guess the whole point im trying to make is. People who get emotionally hurt by loosing someone important to them will get over it and live their lifes. People who are "suicide risks" are stuck with feelings that are 10x worse then the feelings that come with loosing somoene.

"suicide is the pussys way out" "only selfish people kill themselves"

NEVER say those words to anyone who is ready to kill themselves those words almost pushed me over then edge.

Its people like you that cause half of the suicides. When someone feels like a piece of shit the last thing they need is to be called selfish or a pussy. Id just like to say go fuck yourself. You might as well shoot them in the head yourself.

Sorry about all the confusing text. i am very bad at expressing myself.
It takes a lot of courage to sever an artery or down a bottle of lye....cowards don't commit suicide. I's your what you want with it, including ending it.
permanent problem to a temporary solution, been there done that, wont ever go back.
Been there done that also and wish i could say I would never go back but unfortunately I can't. :cry::twisted:
The only thing worse than wanting to commit suicide is not succeeding. :evil:
They lock you up and throw away the key forever.:cry:


Well-Known Member
"permanent problem to a temporary solution, been there done that, wont ever go back."

i agree. usually the pain is so overwhelming that you can think of no other way to combat it. but if you allow the pain to pass without making any harsh decisions, you will usually find a light at the end of the tunnel. Im coming out of a two year bout of depression that encompassed many things, living day to fay felt absolutely pointless, but thinking of the additional pain i would cause my mother if she had to come to the morgue to identify her son made me just try to survive another 5 minutes or so. Now things are looking better and life seems to have eased up a bit, not saying everything is perfect, but im alive and life will and can go on.


Well-Known Member
I think it's sometimes hard for people to understand how anyone could choose suicide if they haven't been there.
Also, I don't believe that most people who commit suicide are selfish. If you can call them selfish for killing themselves, and in turn, hurting the people who love them, then can't you also reasonably conclude that it's selfish of people to think that someone who is in immense pain should stick around and endure it so they don't hurt others? Either way you look at it, it can be deemed selfish.
I personally see nothing wrong with suicide. I can understand why people would do it. Especially when you've suffered from depression for years and treatment hasn't helped and you truly don't enjoy living.
Just my opinion, though.


Well-Known Member
I have personal experience of suicide and it is not by any means as cut and dried as many people who have posted before me may think. Prozac is responsible for a high number of teenage suicides in the Uk and when placed on it myself over 15 years ago I had suicidal tendencies that were both very real and very confusing as I did not want to die. mind altering substances that mess around with your emotions are dangerous and can cause people to do things they would otherwise not dream of doing. To answer the original question, we all die and rot or burn- THE END.


Well-Known Member
One theory of why people commit suicide AFTER being placed on antidepressants is that they finally have the energy to carry out plans that they have been ruminating over for a long time. Depression often makes you so depressed you don't have the energy to do anything, let alone kill yourself.


Well-Known Member
One theory of why people commit suicide AFTER being placed on antidepressants is that they finally have the energy to carry out plans that they have been ruminating over for a long time. Depression often makes you so depressed you don't have the energy to do anything, let alone kill yourself.
I was on Prozac for acute anxiety not depression. The prozac actually made me depressed!


Well-Known Member
I'm prescribed prozac as well. It makes me numb.
Yes I understand what you mean. Luckily I was able to get off it after 2 years. When I was on it I knew I had issues to deal with and knew I had responsibilities still but thats as far as it went, no action. I used to feel as if I was in a state of perpetual limbo with no emotional response to any situation, just a visual perspective.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Prozac was the first they thing they ever prescribed me for my depression. It didn't help me whatsoever, in fact, none of the ssri's helped me at all. And I know what you mean about it making you depressed. Welbutrin did the same thing to me.


Well-Known Member
no offence i think people who kill them selves are weak its easy to kill yourself its harder to just stick it out maintain and get the fuck over yourself
suicides shit thou shell not commit murder (or something like that) even if its yourself

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not everyone believes in the bible, and thus, the ten commandments. Suicide is not easy. Try to hack through your wrist with a requires a lot of sticktoitiveness.
no offence i think people who kill them selves are weak its easy to kill yourself its harder to just stick it out maintain and get the fuck over yourself
suicides shit thou shell not commit murder (or something like that) even if its yourself


Well-Known Member
i think if some one wants to end their own life that is their cloice..
i think if u die naturally or by suacide its all the same as reguards after life.... perminant darkness... nothing else...

we are just here by luck that its the right temp here there is water etc.......:peace::peace:

live and let live
live and let die


Well-Known Member
i aint no bible pusher if i had too i would do the 12 gauge thing suppose you got balls to hack at your wrists with a blde fuck that

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, so would blowing your brains out.Think about end your life, not knowing if you float in limbo, or go to hell, or become nothing?Pretty scary.
i aint no bible pusher if i had too i would do the 12 gauge thing suppose you got balls to hack at your wrists with a blde fuck that


Well-Known Member
yeah but unless a 12 gauge would be instant and hopefully painless i hope to come back as a dolphin unless they have sex for pleasure surely it doesnt just end


Well-Known Member
i think it does just end.. i hope im wrong but id very much doubt that a person could come back as a animal, would a dog b able to b a human, anyway if u did come back as something else u would not remember being a human so it does not mane sence to me..

like if there is an after life are all the early humans up there still not able to speak the launuage we speak now??

sorry for being so negative bout the matter but thats my opinion, hope im wrong tho...

and i think if 60% of ppl who killed themselves, did nt go through it i think most of them would eventually find peace of mind.. its a split second moment thing i think.. if u leave it a day or 2 stay calm.. time is a healer..
and i think its better to b alive and have a shit life than to b dead and have nothing what so ever going on.. we will all b dead in 50 - 100 years anyway unless some of ye live very healthy life styles ...

god i love this strawberry cough.... :peace::joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
i think if firearms were not an option of suicide, many people wouldnt go through with it.
i did some quick research and found that about 55% of all suicides were done with guns.

IMO its easier to pull a trigger and end it than cutting wrists or suffocating/hanging.

If a gun isnt an option then they would have to put forth a little effort and endure mass pain.