1st grow


Well-Known Member
Hi i have this nl x big bud think it 4 weeks now lost paper with germ dates any she looks realy gd but the bottom fan leaves are yellowing and is slowly working it way upper and was hoping some 1 cud help me out i have started flowering nutes is this somethi.g to do with it temps are ok just over 80 any help plz



Well-Known Member
Any 1 else think that bud dont look like bud till it drys
Well, it also very well could be that your not letting your girls reach full maturity. When flowers are done, their calyxes will be swollen, and they will tell you that they are ready. They will have that "wow, amazing cannabis" look, that often does not get attained, and the main reason is, too early of a harvest. To get really good medicine, you have to let the ladies do their thing, and if that means more time cause she's still putting out white hairs and swelling denser flowers, it means you will have more medicine, and it will be better.

Your plant is amazing man, she grew well and happily, but I still think she had more life, from the last pictures before you took her down, she looked to be swelling, swelling, swellin' on up. From what I understand is, we can either keep feeding all the way through, or we can stop and allow the girls to do the thing that only they can, and that only happens during those last few weeks, a very mystical thing, and that's when all those white hairs form denser, more full buds and she uses all the nutrients in the soil and her leaves, just pulling in what she needs to finish off, which is something only she knows how to do and what she needs to do.

Once all the flowers are really set, formed and big, and then she starts taking what she needs from your soil and her leaves to finish off and that's when the flowers really set in and you get the look and feel your going for.

It is also strain specific on how dense the flowers will turn out, as the grower who is working with the plant, certain things can be done throughout the girls life, to encourage denser flower development, and the wait at the end is for sure one of them that, if and when you make it, you're like, whoa! I had to go through it with my first grows, but I am happy that I wait it out now, and really listen to the plant as she says, yes I am ready to go, or no, more time.

It really is those last few weeks, which can seem like extra weeks, but really are just sometimes what the plant wants. It's those precious days, that take it from a nice harvest, to a beautiful harvest.

Good Looking medicine bro!
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Well-Known Member
Well, it also very well could be that your not letting your girls reach full maturity. When flowers are done, their calyxes will be swollen, and they will tell you that they are ready. They will have that "wow, amazing cannabis" look, that often does not get attained, and the main reason is, too early of a harvest. To get really good medicine, you have to let the ladies do their thing, and if that means more time cause she's still putting out white hairs and swelling denser flowers, it means you will have more medicine, and it will be better.
Kl m8 i think maybe i was 2 weeks early anyways they hermied on me ended up with seeds in bud and looks like normal standed weed