Best / Favorite Glitches (Exploits)


Well-Known Member
I love a good glitch/bug/exploit. Post some of your favorites.

Off the top of my head, I remember using item dupe in FFVII, like, alot. Rad.
I remember the infinite sword glitch w/ Zelda OOT, too.

You get the idea...


Well-Known Member
My favorite recent exploit was almost 6 months ago if not more, when GTA V released.
There was a online exploit that allowed you to make unlimited money buying and reselling modded cars.
It was fun for the first 2 months because it was either do missions 24/7, or buy virtual money with real money (lol)
Anyone who did it had like the best cars, houses, etc, for the first few months.

I haven't played since because games get boring once everyone has everything the same.


Well-Known Member
These are awesome guys. Thanks for posting. I've used all of those at one point or another! :lol:


Well-Known Member
original super mario bros level 1-3 getting small and then on the last staircase doing the million jumps on the turtle for free lives..

also the original version street fighter 2 when you could do the pose,handcuffs, and invisible throw.


Well-Known Member
Used to be a game called master blaster on nes I believe maybe genesis...but you would pause as soon as your grenade exploded on the boss and it would hit the a million times