Drug test question


Active Member
if i took a drug test and it tested positive would it be able to tell what day i smoked weed or just that i have smoked weed in the last 30 days?


Well-Known Member
just that you smoked although a nice flush would get rid of that for you, if not drink lots of fluids cranberry juice if you do not want to go get a flush kit.

The test will just detect wether it is in your system.


Well-Known Member
also make sure you don't give them your first piss of the day, give that one to the bathroom.

Also it depends on how much you smoke, how long ago (if you smoke a gram a day, then going dry for a couple of weeks will help), and what type of shape you are in also.
Because it is stored in your fat, and when you get out for a run/walk/jog and start to burn that fat off, it is then getting rid of the stored up THC in your system.

Drinking cranberry juice and such helps, but if you over do it, your piss might be to watered down, and they reject it on that alone.


Active Member
also i was in the military and did this a lot...get a bottle of Niacin from GNC and drink a gallon of water for a few days...you can make it into shakes or whatever. Within a few days of that your system will be spot free, and wont look watered down..


Well-Known Member
I'm a 7x a week smoker and certo worked. I just took a 1500mg of niacin for 2 days, took some B complex pills to make my piss yellow again and drank 2 packets of certo with gatorade 2 hrs before my test. I didn't smoke for 2 days.

I also drank a shit load of water and it worked.



Active Member
just drink lots water after pissing ...its like drinking beer 1st piss yellow 3rd piss clear because it didnt sit in your kidnys...from what i have read you cant get thc out of your body for 30 days..


if i took a drug test and it tested positive would it be able to tell what day i smoked weed or just that i have smoked weed in the last 30 days?
they cant narrow it down to a certain day. t hey can howeever know if you had a positive test for lets say 500 thc metabolites one day and had lets say 700 count thc next time that you have been smoking moire


Well-Known Member
People, people!

Drinking water wont help nothing! Cannabis is fat soluble... water, in simple english is water soluble... it wont break things up! Cranberry might help things... another thing, if you drink too much water before a drug test... the test will come back inconclusive due to lacking proper chemicals contain in urine... urine is always acidic... therefore pH BALANCE is sought.

If you smoke bud heavily for a week straight... it will definitely take about a month to clear your urine.... and no drug test are not that advanced yet to show when or where you did a drug... lmao ;)


water could help dilute your thc count to low leverls or non detectable levels. depends on how much you smoke though


Well-Known Member
If you smoke heavily your best best is to get some synthetic piss or get some from a clean person.


Well-Known Member
to Chitownsmoking:

huh... Im a bit puzzled my your response... it will lower your thc levels... is that possible? and trust me anyone on this site is one fat pothead... so thus giving a months notice is best advised... lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats probation buddy... if your not watched by the law... then a little vitamin bottle full of urine... strapped under your nutsack wont hurt... but make sure its warm enough ;)


Drinking water really doesn't work especially if you want to be on the safe side don't bother trying this. The best way is to use synthetic piss, keep in mind the type you purchase because the US government now tests for the synthetic urine before they do the actual drug test. There are products out there that work though. Otherwise get a mate to piss for you just before you go in for the test, use a condom to store it in and keep it in your inner thigh, also have a pin or something small and sharp to prick open the resorvouir tip when you are ready to do the test. Hope this helps guys


Well-Known Member
All of those flushers, drinking cranberry juice, and drinking water (on it's own) don't really work. THC is stored in your fat cells. For fatter people it will last longer and skinnier people it leave faster. It also depends on your metabolism too. In any case, the reason why most people pass after taking one of those drug flushers is from the fact that most Drug testing company just suck at what they do. Seriously I've read the accuracy and lab quality of most of these places is iffy at best (most are just slammed and don't really do many test, and the test that they do are mostly flawed). More reputable employers will have you go to a drug testing location affiliated with a hospital. These place test hard and usually give pretty accurate results. Most older generation piss tests can be thrown off with a simple aspirin pill (i.e less reputable test sites), but he newer generation can't be thrown off at all.

Mouth tests are only accurate for 1-5 hours since your mouth is always shedding it's lining and repairing itself (this info is available somewhere on norml's website and the tech manual for these tests states this fact too) .

Blood tests are only accurate for a few hours to a couple of days (once gain depending on your metabolism, kidneys, liver, and general health).

Hair tests are good for a long while months.

The best way to beat a piss test is run a treadmill for a 10-30 days before the test and drink plenty of water to replace the old fluids in your system. The reason why most teenagers beat drug test is from the fact their bodies are metabolizing at blazing fast rates. Its really not those flushers that work.

What really does work is those synthetic piss dispensers. The really good ones come with a heating pad to keep your "piss" nice and hot (so it passes the temperature part of test). Many of my friends have used them to great success. I'd waste my money on that before I wasted it on a flushing agent.

There no agent in the world that can break down THC's half-life other than something slightly radioactive (of which you'd never put in your body).