

Well-Known Member
First post here
I heard on a thread somewhere that asprin in a male plant will cause it to germinate %100 female seeds...
This theory sounds a little ludichris but does anyone have any valid info on this?


Active Member
I've read up on this a bit as well and it sounds great when you read things like:

"The bottom line is that both acetylsalicylic acid and harpin protein signal the plant to activate an internal immune system. Applying either of these to uninfected plants causes them to respond as though they have been compromised by a pathogen, but without the damage. This is surprisingly similar to the immune response in animals and humans, whereby exposure to a dead or weakened pathogen results in the production of antibodies that confer protection against fully functional disease organisms.This is exciting research, to say the least. Instead of trying to kill off the pathogens by the use of toxic pesticides, the plant is stimulated to activate its own defense system to guard against attack before it happens. A bonus is that the plant becomes more vigorous and healthy in the process."

But then again, you read things like:

"Acetylsalicylic acid, which applied to cotyledons of the short day plant Pharbitis nil prior to an inductive 16-h dark period inhibits flowering by 90 %, is converted to salicylic acid and to a lesser extent to gentisic acid in the cotyledons during this 16-h dark period. Our results confirmed that salicylic acid and gentisic acid are responsible for the inhibition of flowering. They also inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis."

That inhibition of flowering thing makes me nervous, and as there isn't a lot (or any) good information on the effects it has on cannabis specifically, I'll continue to pass on trying to use it. lol But I'd be very curious about the results anyone achieves that does give it a go and hope they'd do a journal or post about it.