Help have questions that need answers


Well-Known Member
Ok so i have not smoke since november 11 and i have a po meeting to get off probation on the 3rd of december. My po has not asked me if i am clean just if i will be able to pay the 50 dollar fine. My question is if i smoke a j today how long can i expect to this to be in my system if he decides to test me? Also does anyone know where i can get a system stripper for less then 100 dollars?


Well-Known Member
Just be safe and don't smoke the J. It takes alot longer than 10 days to get weed out of your system and you can't rely on "purification kits"


Active Member
You can man up and wait on the J....or you can smoke and then drink more water than you can possibly put in your body till you go piss test...GNC and a few other health food stores have cleanout formulas that are proven to work


Well-Known Member
It's not worth the high today, fucking with your freedom next month. Just sweat it out's less than a month away, and you're done, you're free!!!! Then you can smoke all you want.

I don't understand this. I know so many dudes who do shit like this. 1 month away from getting off probation, or getting their driver's license back....and what do they do a couple weeks before, get high, or go drive and GET CAUGHT. they didn't get high or drive for 6 months or a year, or what ever.....but that last few weeks it's like they just HAVE TO!!! It almost seems like people want to fuck their lives up. I'll never understand the mentality behind being so close to freedom and deciding to take a chance, when you've already waited so friggin long..... But to each their own.

that's my two cents.....heheheh. *steps off his soap box*


Well-Known Member
It's not worth the high today, fucking with your freedom next month. Just sweat it out's less than a month away, and you're done, you're free!!!! Then you can smoke all you want.

I don't understand this. I know so many dudes who do shit like this. 1 month away from getting off probation, or getting their driver's license back....and what do they do a couple weeks before, get high, or go drive and GET CAUGHT. they didn't get high or drive for 6 months or a year, or what ever.....but that last few weeks it's like they just HAVE TO!!! It almost seems like people want to fuck their lives up. I'll never understand the mentality behind being so close to freedom and deciding to take a chance, when you've already waited so friggin long..... But to each their own.

that's my two cents.....heheheh. *steps off his soap box*
i totally agree