Air layering


Active Member
This a fairly simply technique for getting clones from your mother plant, or any plant you want with good sucess rate.
First you pick the stem you want to clone, usually a lower branch does good, but all tips have the potential. The benefit here though, is that your going to end up with a soil pouch hanging from a branch and it will be out of the way if you generally work your way from the bottom up on a plant.
After you find the branch you want to clone, choose the place you want to promote root growth, usually on a branch you would go back two internode, or leafsets on that branch and then another inch past the last leaf set, if that spot places it on another leafset, go past to clear stem, and enough area to work with.
Next with a exacto knife or razor, be careful, but slice parrell with the stem, in the middle going thru to the other side, making an incision of about 1/2 inch long or less, but need clearance to the other side, so...
Next take Root tone, not sure of the brand name, but thats what it goes by at the feed store, but I've seen it at Lowes and maybe Wally world, not sure, regardless, Root tone, comes in a smaller bottle and is a powder that you are going to want to liberally dust over the outside and inside cut. You'll want to also make sure the cut is open, but coated with the root tone.
Now take corner of a sandwich baggy and with a pair of scissors cut up about 2 inches from the bottom corner so you end up with a square win you end up with it. You'll get two from a baggy.
Take the pouch hold baggy, and take a pinch of good soilmix, make sure to moisten the soilmix through, not running out but damp throughout.
Pull the pouch with sod in it but the corners and get the soil to cover the incision area with soil, bring the plastic flaps overtop one another till snug on the stem, and secure with a little silophen tape.
Should stay moist for along time or till you start seeing root growth, but if you need you can put moister in the baggy after by a srinyng, works best.
Takes about a week to two weeks to see root activity in the soil. Of course I would let them root pretty good before cutting and transplanting, usually bout another week after seeing first signs of roots.
Had very good sucess with this method when I've used it. Hope it helps.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey hope you dont mind me posting some pictures to ur great description, no point in having 2 air layer cloning techniques threads is there?

if so i can delete the pictures and leave a coment? let me know bro?

i've been wanting to try this air layering cloning technique for a while since 1bmm posted it on the 600 thread. got my clonex back from my mate eventually, he must of lost it coz its back in a box and mine didnt have a box lol hahaha

i did 2 with rockwool and did some reading then did one with a root riot cube cut down (they look like rapid rooters for my american friends)

good old clonex gel, not used much else but good results with this stuff :)

Scratched the surface of the stalk off, half of it on on, all of it on the other, couldnt remember what the vid said. rubbed some clonex on gently.

By the second cut of the rockwool i'd pretty much worked it out, a long rectangular piece with a slit down the middle, little bit of clonex inside after damping the rockwool with water.

Push around the stem

Little bit of support :) and the foil to keep the light out :) molded tight at the top to keep the mosture in, i'll check it in about 3 days to make sure it hasent dried out.

after reading the boards i saw that some one did it with a root riot (rapid rooters type thing for my american friends) i'll come back in a week or so and let you know the results :) this is a lemon haze clone

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

All 3x did this but still look healthy :) Back in a few days when i open up the wrapper. going to wrap some plastic around as well to help with the drying out, might do that today.





some videos to watch about air layering i found interesting :) i like the wooded lollypop stick support on the 3rd, will be using that next time :)


Well-Known Member
i read about this technique several times before, but never saw the point in taking the trouble, i mean, why not just cut the branch and clone it? what's the benefit in doing it?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
some medical users in the states are only allowed to keep a certain number of plants, this helps keep the numbers down but ur quickly able to move onto the next round without waiting for a clone to root.

a clone without roots is still classed as a plant, correct me if i'm wrong but it certainly is here in the uk.

this is the reason why i'm doing it and i thought i'd share....


Well-Known Member
very nice, cant wait to see your results. next you should try grafting one strain to another. I want to so bad but I dont think I would give it the attention it would deserve.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks for the good vibes bro ;)

havent really thought about the grafting so much but i do wonder about it sometimes lol one of my palls on here is gonna be doing it soon i think when he does, i'll throw a link up :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the good vibes bro ;)

havent really thought about the grafting so much but i do wonder about it sometimes lol one of my palls on here is gonna be doing it soon i think when he does, i'll throw a link up :)
i guess grafting would be total opposite of air layering, HA :lol: I hope your friend goes through with it, would love to see a link.

I have heard it is easier with indica to indica, and sativa to sativa, but I want to try it several ways, have 5 strains on one root base!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah another brilliant way of keeping the numbers down.

how about air layering on top of that to take it to the extreme :)


Well-Known Member
you would have to take clones again at some point after the grafting. I wouldnt want to flower different strains like that, you would always be guessing, and heaven help you if you forget which is which :D


Well-Known Member
some medical users in the states are only allowed to keep a certain number of plants, this helps keep the numbers down but ur quickly able to move onto the next round without waiting for a clone to root.

a clone without roots is still classed as a plant, correct me if i'm wrong but it certainly is here in the uk.

this is the reason why i'm doing it and i thought i'd share....
awesome, now it makes perfect sense :)


Well-Known Member
i just did my first air layering project it was surprisingly easy. the 1st one i did i got to close to 1 node. thus making it hard to wrap. i used a rockwool cube broke down and wrapped it then tied a piece of saran wrap on the one to close to the node the second 1 i picked a larger branch and trimmed better. i wraped that and was able to put a baggie over it also i used to turkey needle to water 2ce a day. the day of cloning one of the nodes drooped on the clone but it has picked itself up all in all it looks like it will work for me so far ill get some pics and post em


Well-Known Member
i just did my first air layering project it was surprisingly easy. the 1st one i did i got to close to 1 node. thus making it hard to wrap. i used a rockwool cube broke down and wrapped it then tied a piece of saran wrap on the one to close to the node the second 1 i picked a larger branch and trimmed better. i wraped that and was able to put a baggie over it also i used to turkey needle to water 2ce a day. the day of cloning one of the nodes drooped on the clone but it has picked itself up all in all it looks like it will work for me so far ill get some pics and post em
how long did it take your plant to root?