Spiders! Help me kill bugs?


Well-Known Member
I have had a gay as insect in my garden forever. I am pretty sure they are Thrips. They are small, white in color. They crawl on my leaves, leave small white streaks, and mothers are smaller, b the lack in color and fly around.

I have been spraying Einstein Neem Oil on them, used poisons, and even Nematodes!!!
They will never completely go away. They are slowing the growth in my garden down!!!

What about using regular spiders as a predator? They are all over my basement. The other day saw one crawling on my plant.

Spider mites don't come from spiders, right? Anything wrong with this idea.

I am seriously sick of these damn bugs!

Any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
Fog the room! Seal off the room and use one of those foggers. Make sure they're not attached to your clothing or thow all ur clothes in the wash right away and blast away.


Well-Known Member
first things first, you must determine if it is a triph could be triphs, scales or white flies. the white streaks are abrasions on the leaf or excretion of the bug? your probably right with triphs. if its abrasions not excretion its triphs for sure. if so kinda tough to get rid of as you have found out. you can get sprays for em, pyrethrum works pretty well, or make a tabacco based nicotine spray. i HAD a recipe to make nicotine spray but i cant find it.. so pyrethrum should be your best bet, hit em twice a day, wait 4-5 days and re apply. see if that helps. you could also get some insecticidal soap spray.