Attempt with Cannabutter (need analysis)


Active Member
Hey all!

I made my first batch of cannabutter yesterday, I'm going to go over the process that I used and I hope that you all can give me feedback on what I should change or leave the same, thnx!

1) Take an Ounce of Schwag (some pretty good schwag might I add!) and ground it up with fingers/grinders (didn't have a coffee grinder.. should i get one?)

2) Pre-heat a crockpot to high setting and melt 2 sticks of butter into the bottom of it.

3) place ground up matter into the butter and stir.

4) I poured about 2 cups of water in over top of it to help cover the pot and make sure that theres enough room for extraction.

5) I cooked this pot/butter stew together on high for 2 hours (stirring every 15-20 minutes)

6) After 2 hours on High, I turned the heat down to Low and cooked for another 4 hours (again stirring every 15-20 min)

7) After 4 complete hours, we strained the mixture back into a glass bowl (with a coffee filter.. which ended up sucking) and we put it in the freezer to coagulate.

The butter rose to the top in about an hour and was able to be scooped out. The butter took on a really dark green (almost gray) tint and was basically...butter (that smells like weed lol).

We took the 2 sticks of butter (which ended up being a little under 2 sticks after we finished) and added a little bit of filler regular butter to complete our cookie recipe.

I tried a cookie at about 4pm yesterday and by 6:30 I was planted and basically incapable of doing <i>anything</i>.

My question is:

-Should I have cooked longer? Shorter?
-Is a coffee grinder necessary? Will it make it more potent/stronger?
-Heat/Low Setting? (I read a plethora of guides the past couple of days on cooking cannabutter and pretty much everyone is different (with a few minor similarities) One guide called for using these specific heat settings (2 hours high, 2 hours low) because it was the optimum way. (he sounded convincing :) )
-Is it better to use cheesecloth? On realizing that it takes a very long time for the butter to filter through a coffee filter.. we realized that a lot of the butter starts to harden inside of the cooked weed (which caused us to lose quite a bit of butter at the end)

Just let me know your guys'/gals' input, thanks!! :)

(Oh by the way, whatever information I get from this will be going into my next batch of cannabutter which will be sometime today and I'll take pictures to show results. I hope to be able to break this down to a science.. )


Active Member
I tried a cookie at about 4pm yesterday and by 6:30 I was planted and basically incapable of doing <i>anything</i>.
Sounds like you nailed it!

I've never used a crock pot, i just do it in a normal pan, works fine for me. I do cook mine for much longer, at least 6 hours on the lowest possible heat. I also don't grind mine up with a grinder i just use my hands to break it up quite small, i don't think it matters too much.

I find the "easiest" way to strain is to cut the legs of a pair of tights and strech it over your bowl with the foot part in the center. pour everything through it then pop the tights off the bowl and using rubber gloves squeeze the remaining butter out of the tights/ganja sausage. This is best to do with a friend as the butter is extremely hot (and must be to get it all out of the weed) and you can take turns laughing at each other almost burning yourselves and yelping like a little girl :) but seriously be careful! to get all the butter out of your "sausage" after squeezing, chuck it back in the pan and rinse with boiling water, pour this oily water in with the rest.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply!

On that note, sorry for my reply taking so long!

I think that the pantyhose idea is good, I think that I will use cheesecloth next time...

as far as reboiling the cannasausage.. thats a great idea, I pitched what i had not thinking about the leftover butter that is just sitting inside of it (after squeezing, that is)

Thanks for the tips!


Well-Known Member
yor recipe sounds pretty dead on, and if you got good and high off of a cookie, i think you did a good job

cannacookies are great huh?


Active Member
They are, indeed :).

I just wanted to insure that I wasn't messing up somewhere, I'd like to get the most thc out of the pot that I can.

I'd love to break it down to a science and figure out what I can add to the cookies to make the digestion kick in faster.


Active Member
Alright so you whipped up some cannabutter and ate a BUD cookie and got really baked as a result...i fail to see the problem with your cooking technique? And yes there are about 732,845 guides on how to do this...they all pretty much say the same thing.

Want stronger cookies? Welll either you can use a larger amount of schwag/bud/trim to butter ratio or use more potent bud. Your final product will reflect your choice of quality ingredients.

Yes using cheese cloth is a faster way of seperating the butter from the used BUD, i use cheese cloth,

i cover the top of my bowl and secure the edges of cheese cloth with rubber bands or duct tape. Since the cheese cloth is suspended on top of my container i can just pour in the butter mix and let it cool down a bit before i untape the edges and squeeze the remaining butter out..

what if you dont have cheese cloth around? welllllll how about a nice clean t-shirt? (one that you will never want to wear again because you are about to stain the shit out of it) to use as a filter...thats all your doing is just trying to get the used weed outta the butter...

i've rambled enough i may or may not make any explanations have never been the best


Well-Known Member
I was reading about certain enzymes that you can add to food to help it digest quicker..

Last batch of cookies were made with schwag..

My next is going to be made with some good good.. we'll see :)
sweet... i wanna try that


Active Member
I once had something called a Bang (i think its its actually from india so its probably Bhang) but this is a basterdized party recipe. we would melt a little butter (oil will also work normal not canna) in a tea spoon over the gas then crumble some (around a joints' worth) hash in and mix it around till it dissolved a bit. Do one spoon for each person. Put it in a small pan with a little milk, bring to the boil (don't let it actually boil!) then let cool down for a minute, repeat this boiling cooling down step two or three times. pour the mix ,until half full, in to shot glasses , then top up with baileys. then throw it down your throat!

this gets you really high! i had 3 over the space of a few hours and was totally wrecked. I was meant to be dj'ing but I couldn't match a single beat. So i just whacked a record on , had a dance about till the it was nearly done then just flicked it straight over to the other record, no mix, no worries.

the point here is that "apparently" the alcahol intensifies the hit and the dairy gets it around your system faster. butter is already dairy though so i don't know if extra milk would help or not. But these are delicious . you could try it with canna butter and no hash, but you'll need very strong cannabutter , or else you'll be drinking loads of butter.