Jdro's Less Than 30$ Guide to making BHO.


Well-Known Member
OK, so I am making this for a friend but I haven't seen a write up on here so, here is one. Ok So Supplies needed:

7$- Turkey Baster from Bed Bath and Beyond
Free- 2 Coffee Filters from my cabinet
69cent- hose clamp
8$- Can of Vector 5x refined butane
Free- Pyrex pan from my cabinet
Free- Bigger Pan from my cabinet
Free- Pot to heat up water from my cabinet
1$- 2 box cutter blades.
free- paperclip to whip(stir) oil (Im using a broken fork)
Trim or bud to use


Ok so step one is going to be to collect all your material. I am using 7grams of Midnight Kush buds. I like to grind up half of my material and scissor cut half of my material. Next you are going to stuff your tube with all the buds.


I stuff my tube with an old antenna I had laying around. I stuff it in, but not to tight that the butane wont flow through. You don't want it in there to loose though. When you have it filled up put the 2 coffee filters on and secure them with the hose clamp. Now you are going to want to get one of the bigger tips off of the butane lid. You are going to need to use a tip to get a good seal on the top of the turkey baster. Here is the butane can without the tip and with the tip. And also a picture with the tip on showing how it fits into the turkey baster top.



Now you are almost ready to spray it. I now heat some water up on the stove and prepare my two pyrex dishes. I want to pour some hot water into my bigger pyrex dish. I then GO OUTSIDE to spray. Outside in a well ventilated area I spray about half the can of butane through the turkey baster (General rule is 1oz material= 1 can of butane) into my smaller pyrex dish sitting on top of the bigger dish filled with hot water. The hot water will help evaporate the liquid butane quickly leaving only your resin behind.

Once all the liquid is evaporated and your amber resin has stopped bubbling it is safe to bring it back inside, to begin whipping. Once back inside, I replace the hot water in the larger pyrex dish and begin mixing the goo up in the dish with my paperclip(Or broken fork).


Now I start to mix it all up so you see bubbles forming. You are now beginning the purging stage. The purpose is to get as much butane out of your oil as possible. There is many different methods of purging one of the most popular being vacuum purging. This method works well for not spending any money. ;) Once Ive mixed it up a bit, I add new hot water to the bottom pan and gather all the oil up using the blade. I use the other blade to wipe it off into the pan. Once I have it all collected in the middle of the pan I start whipping it back to forth with my paper clip again. You want to keep whipping and changing out the warm water untill you see the oil lighten up in color and the consistency change and begin sticking to itself.


Once I have it to the consistency I want, I collect it all with a razor blade and then wipe it onto a piece of parchment. I weigh it and my 7.3g of bud yielded me .98grams of oil I was pretty happy with that yield. Anytime I can get over 10% I am happy. Now its time to dab it up!! Now, some materials needed to smoke the oil may run over your 30$ budget. You just gotta get creative. Dabs up!!




for not much more on your price i can get more on your return...im getting close to half back and yes its very strain and quality dependent but i have had the opportunity to mess around and see what works best...i get 1.5grams back from 3-4gr. do the math...its all simple its all about pressure and your turkey baster cant handle it...go with 3/8 steel tubing or smaller if you like, drill small enough hole on the end caps just enough so that the tane tip is tight and doesnt leak like siv....and proceed to tane it but do it in short bursts then a long one then as soon as it starts to come out slow it down and use the pressure of the gas to push the good stuff out. without the pressure and coldness of the steel you do not run enough tane through your product to get enough of it out..you can go even one step further and put a valve on the exit end and close it and fill it up like a lighter and let the tane marinate and let it have some time to do its thing and then open the valve slowly and walla and you dont use nearly the amount of tane you normally would use with plastic....hope this helps..


the reason for the pressure and steel is because tane evaporates at 32*, at that temp it turns to a gas and does you noo good...the liquid form of tane is what you want but unless you want to do this in a walk in freezer be my guest....so good luck


Well-Known Member
So put a valve on the end, and fill up the tube... how will I know how much will fill my tube sufficiently? When I release the valve slowly do I just allow it all to run out, or do I add more tane?


at what temp are we wanting the warm water on the bottom??? i dont want it to get to hot too fast and go kaboom


Well-Known Member
Get your water anywhere between 130-150. Long slow purge is best. Nice tutorial OP. Couple suggestions. Take a butane tip, wrap a joint paper around it a couple times and jam it down the tip of the baster. This will minimize the amount of butane getting spilled out the top, and increase your final weight. Also, cut the tip off the plastic nozzle so it doesn't have to go through that TINY hole. Not bad though, I was thinking of putting one of these together myself.


Well-Known Member
Get your water anywhere between 130-150. Long slow purge is best. Nice tutorial OP. Couple suggestions. Take a butane tip, wrap a joint paper around it a couple times and jam it down the tip of the baster. This will minimize the amount of butane getting spilled out the top, and increase your final weight. Also, cut the tip off the plastic nozzle so it doesn't have to go through that TINY hole. Not bad though, I was thinking of putting one of these together myself.

Good tips. You dont want temps over 150, ever. Good point about the joint paper, but my cap and turkey create a perfect seal. Not sure if people are having issues with that. Also had a friend use a eraser from a pencil around the plastic tip to create a perfect seal. Also cutting the tip, good idea.


Active Member
the reason for the pressure and steel is because tane evaporates at 32*, at that temp it turns to a gas and does you noo good...the liquid form of tane is what you want but unless you want to do this in a walk in freezer be my guest....so good luck
Im finding that 110 seems to be a really nice temp to purge at, I dont recommend over 120 but thats me. If you have more vacuume you can get away with lower temps which is desireable.


Coopnutts are you serious?? you have just created the perfect pipe bomb :fire: closing off one end to pressurize?? people dont do this, just let the butane run out the end your stuff with still come out just fine. if not use better quaity trim/bud. also just throwing this out their never use PVC:!: it releases harmful chemicals in to your oil that you are smoking:sad: Best way is use a glass tube. Great demo Jdro