California league of cities and law enforcement propose new regulatory bill


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd share this. The California League of Cities, a group that strongly opposes marijuana and the California police chief's association has come up with a new regulatory system. While this may sound good, trust me it could make things even worse than they are now. One of the main points of the bill is that only your primary care physician can write you a recommendation for medical marijuana from now on, and a physician can only write 100 recommendations per year and will be audited if they exceed that limit. This makes things worse because most HMO's have a strong anti cannabis policy which could prevent people from getting their medicine. And there's also the fact that most physicians are ignorant and in opposition to medical marijuana and will prescribe you dangerous and addicting prescription drugs before they'd give you a recommendation for medical marijuana since these physicians have such a close relationship with big pharma. This could cut off access to almost all patients and force them to either turn to the black market to obtain their medicine or having to grow their own at home while taking the risk of possible jail time for growing without a card. There are other regulatory measures addressed in the bill such as growers and where dispensaries can operate, but I dont want to make this any longer by going into discussion of that so I'll leave links to articles. I strongly encourage all advocates to oppose this bill and to do what we can to stop it from getting passed.


Well-Known Member
This won't go very far at all. Cops and Biggots don't control the Medical system or California state law. Just another law suit waiting to happen.


Active Member
California Health and Safety Code: 11362.5(c)
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recommended marijuana to a patient for medical purposes.
Thanks for the laugh because what you suggest they are doing would be illegal... :)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thought I'd share this. The California League of Cities, a group that strongly opposes marijuana and the California police chief's association has come up with a new regulatory system. While this may sound good, trust me it could make things even worse than they are now. One of the main points of the bill is that only your primary care physician can write you a recommendation for medical marijuana from now on, and a physician can only write 100 recommendations per year and will be audited if they exceed that limit. This makes things worse because most HMO's have a strong anti cannabis policy which could prevent people from getting their medicine. And there's also the fact that most physicians are ignorant and in opposition to medical marijuana and will prescribe you dangerous and addicting prescription drugs before they'd give you a recommendation for medical marijuana since these physicians have such a close relationship with big pharma. This could cut off access to almost all patients and force them to either turn to the black market to obtain their medicine or having to grow their own at home while taking the risk of possible jail time for growing without a card. There are other regulatory measures addressed in the bill such as growers and where dispensaries can operate, but I dont want to make this any longer by going into discussion of that so I'll leave links to articles. I strongly encourage all advocates to oppose this bill and to do what we can to stop it from getting passed.
They can propose whatever they want. As long as our state government is dominated by the democratic party it's not going anywhere. This is clearly a trojan horse to get rid of medical marijuana. It will never work. Medical marijuana is too established to get rid of at this point.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
On this subject the California Democratic Party just officially voted to put marijuana legalization into the party platform. They control both the senate and assembly. This means democrats will likely support any legalization efforts that make the ballot and it's possible they assembly will just pass a bill legalizing it without even the need for a ballot initiative.


Well-Known Member
On this subject the California Democratic Party just officially voted to put marijuana legalization into the party platform. They control both the senate and assembly. This means democrats will likely support any legalization efforts that make the ballot and it's possible they assembly will just pass a bill legalizing it without even the need for a ballot initiative.
if you like getting screwed, and you like the sort of bullshit that's going on in Wa.Co., then that's a good plan DK, but if you want your natural rights back so that all the bullshit can stop, i think we are going to need a ballot measure...and not some measure dreamed up by normle or mpp idiots etc, it needs to come from the people and be a literal declaration of human rights not unlike the one we are attempting to put on the ballot in lake county ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
if you like getting screwed, and you like the sort of bullshit that's going on in Wa.Co., then that's a good plan DK, but if you want your natural rights back so that all the bullshit can stop, i think we are going to need a ballot measure...and not some measure dreamed up by normle or mpp idiots etc, it needs to come from the people and be a literal declaration of human rights not unlike the one we are attempting to put on the ballot in lake county ;)
Yeah, they are so screwed in Colorado with their whole freedom thing. If they would have just voted no on legalization they could have waited another 77 years until the perfect legalization bill popped up.

If it were up to people like you we'd never have progress. You poison people's minds with your bullshit and trick them into going against their own best interests with the promise that if they just oppose legalization now eventually this mythical perfect ballot initiative will drop out of the sky and the weed fairy will donate 10 million dollars to fund it so it will pass. The problem is that we've waited 77 years and it hasn't happened. Your empty promises give the cops exactly what they want, and extension on prohibition. You might as well work for the DEA.

But the truth is that we aren't going to get a perfect piece of legislation. What we are likely to get is incremental change. Ask people in Colorado if they are better off than they were 3 years ago and they'll tell you yes. That's what counts. We could do a lot worse.

The idea that we are going to have a state law that makes it a natural right to grow whatever plant you want with no regulation is a joke. Who's going to fund it? No one. You can't pay for a ballot initiative with patchouli oil and good vibes.

Gavin Newsom is a brilliant politician. He's already proven to be a catalyst for change. He's got the backing of the democratic party on this. We are lucky to have him take up our cause. I suggest you watch the speech and see what legalization is really about.



Well-Known Member
ironically all that you claim about me is actually true about you DK and i think your well aware of that ;) truth, justice, human rights and 'progress' are all things that will continue to be unrealized on your path...folks know truth when they see or hear it, they also know bullshit, but they will swallow bullshit from peddlers like you when they think there's simply nothing else to eat, just as you try so hard to convince them of...
our effort in lake county is currently poling at between 80 and 90% approval as opposed to the normle effort (which is right up your alley) competing with us on the same ballot which is lucky if they show a consistent 50%


Well-Known Member
No, it's that DK understands how the real world works.

Also, you have nothing but hyperbole and propaganda. As DK said, you may as well be working for the DEA. If you aren't already.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
ironically all that you claim about me is actually true about you DK and i think your well aware of that ;) truth, justice, human rights and 'progress' are all things that will continue to be unrealized on your path...folks know truth when they see or hear it, they also know bullshit, but they will swallow bullshit from peddlers like you when they think there's simply nothing else to eat, just as you try so hard to convince them of...
our effort in lake county is currently poling at between 80 and 90% approval as opposed to the normle effort (which is right up your alley) competing with us on the same ballot which is lucky if they show a consistent 50%
Where is this polling data coming from? Gallop? PPP? Or a poll on this website? lol. Have you turned in your signatures to get on the ballot? Are you doing this just to torpedo norml's efforts?

Explain where you would get millions of dollars to pass this legislation on a state wide ballot initiative. It would take around $10 million dollars to get it passed. Can you raise that kind of money? Because Gavin Newsom and the state Democratic Party can.

A ballot initiative no matter how good is meaningless with out funding. CCHI is proving that right now. It's probably the best piece of marijuana legislation ever written and they couldn't even get the money together to get it on the ballot let alone the money to defend it from negative ads.

Those negative ads will be funded by the alcohol lobby and all have a sheriff in them talking about how legalization will end civilization and hook everyone's kids on heroin. When you have a cop on tv telling parents that their children will be in danger voters listen. To combat that it requires a TV ad campaign. You can't buy TV ads with hugs. It requires cash. Lots of it. You may not like that fact but it doesn't stop being a fact just because you find it distasteful.

So now what's the result? We will get a decent legalization measure on the ballot in 2016 and people like you will be poisoning minds with the promise that if they just wait until next time we will get the perfect legalization measure on the ballot. Too bad that measure is never coming because no one will fund it. Doing that effectively makes you a prohibitionist. You're doing what the DEA can't do without you, convincing people who would benefit from ending prohibition that we should continue prohibition with the false promise that something better is coming along.

Bullshit all you want about human rights to plant whatever you want. But idealism doesn't get you on the ballot as cchi is proving.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Thought I'd share this. The California League of Cities, a group that strongly opposes marijuana and the California police chief's association has come up with a new regulatory system. While this may sound good, trust me it could make things even worse than they are now. One of the main points of the bill is that only your primary care physician can write you a recommendation for medical marijuana from now on, and a physician can only write 100 recommendations per year and will be audited if they exceed that limit. This makes things worse because most HMO's have a strong anti cannabis policy which could prevent people from getting their medicine. And there's also the fact that most physicians are ignorant and in opposition to medical marijuana and will prescribe you dangerous and addicting prescription drugs before they'd give you a recommendation for medical marijuana since these physicians have such a close relationship with big pharma. This could cut off access to almost all patients and force them to either turn to the black market to obtain their medicine or having to grow their own at home while taking the risk of possible jail time for growing without a card. There are other regulatory measures addressed in the bill such as growers and where dispensaries can operate, but I dont want to make this any longer by going into discussion of that so I'll leave links to articles. I strongly encourage all advocates to oppose this bill and to do what we can to stop it from getting passed.
From what I'm hearing they are likely to pass this bill in some form. However the parts about the doctor regulations are going to get thrown out because they are out of compliance with the state constitution.

state constitution:
To ensure that patients and their primary caregivers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.
So that eliminates the doctor stuff.


Well-Known Member
No, it's that DK understands how the real world works.

Also, you have nothing but hyperbole and propaganda. As DK said, you may as well be working for the DEA. If you aren't already.
Where is this polling data coming from? Gallop? PPP? Or a poll on this website? lol. Have you turned in your signatures to get on the ballot? Are you doing this just to torpedo norml's efforts?

Explain where you would get millions of dollars to pass this legislation on a state wide ballot initiative. It would take around $10 million dollars to get it passed. Can you raise that kind of money? Because Gavin Newsom and the state Democratic Party can.

A ballot initiative no matter how good is meaningless with out funding. CCHI is proving that right now. It's probably the best piece of marijuana legislation ever written and they couldn't even get the money together to get it on the ballot let alone the money to defend it from negative ads.

Those negative ads will be funded by the alcohol lobby and all have a sheriff in them talking about how legalization will end civilization and hook everyone's kids on heroin. When you have a cop on tv telling parents that their children will be in danger voters listen. To combat that it requires a TV ad campaign. You can't buy TV ads with hugs. It requires cash. Lots of it. You may not like that fact but it doesn't stop being a fact just because you find it distasteful.

So now what's the result? We will get a decent legalization measure on the ballot in 2016 and people like you will be poisoning minds with the promise that if they just wait until next time we will get the perfect legalization measure on the ballot. Too bad that measure is never coming because no one will fund it. Doing that effectively makes you a prohibitionist. You're doing what the DEA can't do without you, convincing people who would benefit from ending prohibition that we should continue prohibition with the false promise that something better is coming along.

Bullshit all you want about human rights to plant whatever you want. But idealism doesn't get you on the ballot as cchi is proving.
well which is it? that is to say, am i working for the dea, or am i working to get all our basic human rights back intact? (lol)
i think most folks know from common sense that its a bit impractical and illogical to claim i am both ;)
because had this area of human rights been maintained there could have never been any prohibition of any plant, and yet somehow you expect folks to swallow that i am the prohibitionist in this exchange? (lol) DK (and minion)
btw, first you say this:
"CCHI is proving that right now. It's probably the best piece of marijuana legislation ever written and they couldn't even get the money together to get it on the ballot"
then you say this:
"Are you doing this just to torpedo norml's efforts?"
these two statements are a bit contradictory DK...if the in bold part in the first statement is true, and if normle is worthy of anyone's respect or support, why then did they not fund the CCHI?
you make no sense DK...
also, our measure has no relation to norml's sad offering seeking to further erode the human rights established with 215.
there's so much more to say in response to your diversionary bullshit, but that will need to be later, i'll be back ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
well which is it? that is to say, am i working for the dea, or am i working to get all our basic human rights back intact? (lol)
Your not working to get basic human rights back because humans have never had the right to do this is previously, so they is nothing to get back.

What you're really doing is using false promises to get people to vote against real legalization efforts.

because had this area of human rights been maintained there could have never been any prohibition of any plant, and yet somehow you expect folks to swallow that i am the prohibitionist in this exchange? (lol) DK (and minion)
The result of the poison people like you preach is more prohibition.

btw, first you say this:
"CCHI is proving that right now. It's probably the best piece of marijuana legislation ever written and they couldn't even get the money together to get it on the ballot"
then you say this:
"Are you doing this just to torpedo norml's efforts?"
these two statements are a bit contradictory DK...if the in bold part in the first statement is true, and if normle is worthy of anyone's respect or support, why then did they not fund the CCHI?
Because Norml doesn't have that kind of funding. They knew it would lose and they are smart enough not to waste their money.


Well-Known Member
Your not working to get basic human rights back because humans have never had the right to do this is previously, so they is nothing to get back.

What you're really doing is using false promises to get people to vote against real legalization efforts.

The result of the poison people like you preach is more prohibition.

Because Norml doesn't have that kind of funding. They knew it would lose and they are smart enough not to waste their money.
i'm starting to think maybe you have decided to go cold turkey off your meds right?
first of all norml has their own plan for the ballot so they were telling folks not to support (sign) the CCHI and refused to guide their funding sources toward the CCHI, and i'm thinking you are well aware of that and are simply lying to folks...
also, i could care less whether or not folks vote for the norml offering because ours is not technically competing with it, in other words it would be fine if pps voted for both because ours is so fundamentally different that even if they both were voted in ours would still take precedent (even in the case of ours getting fewer yes votes), so we are not at all campaigning against the norml pps in our local effort, because there's no need or point to doing so ;)
now you are also trying to convince human beings that they never had a human right to garden, is that correct?
for real DK, are you seriously with a strait face trying to establish that implausible premises as fact?
i'm not surprised really, because that's exactly what ALL corpsgov (prohibitionist) officials have been telling me for over 20 years now, but guess what, 80-90% of folks don't buy what your selling in that respect.
i think you should just stick to supporting norml DK because more folks will buy and swallow that bullshit then when you try to feed them the notion that humans have never had the natural right to garden lol...for goodness sake DK we still have such rights, we only need declare such as 'the people'...
someone sent me this bit today that seems to be appropriate to posting here at this point...

"Community Rights educator Paul Cienfuegos explains how "We The People" are exercising the authority to govern ourselves and dismantle corporate rule. When small farmers in rural Pennsylvania wanted to say "no" to a corporate factory farm coming into their community, they learned they couldn't, because it would violate the corporation's "rights" and state pre-emption laws. So they did something technically illegal - their town passed an innovative ordinance banning corporate factory farming. It worked! The corporation left town. Pittsburgh upshifted the approach: Rather than define what we don't want, define what we DO want. Their "Right to Water" stopped natural gas fracking in the city. Ordinances like this have been passed in over 150 communities in 9 states."

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
now you are also trying to convince human beings that they never had a human right to garden, is that correct?
People can garden now. They just can't grow whatever they want where ever they want in any quantity they want. That has never been a "human right".

i'm not surprised really, because that's exactly what ALL corpsgov (prohibitionist) officials have been telling me for over 20 years now, but guess what, 80-90% of folks don't buy what your selling in that respect.
You're the prohibitionist here. You go out and try to convince people not to support legalization efforts that have a chance at succeeding with the false promise that if they just wait an ideologically perfect piece of law will be written.

This is the real problem here. It doesn't matter what kind of initiative you write because it's never even going to make the ballot. The only point of writing initiatives like this is so you can hold them up and say "don't support real legalization, instead support prohibition and one day we can vote for my bullshit". But your bullshit is never going to make it on the ballot. So the result is that prohibition continues thanks to people like you.


Well-Known Member
People can garden now. They just can't grow whatever they want where ever they want in any quantity they want. That has never been a "human right".

You're the prohibitionist here. You go out and try to convince people not to support legalization efforts that have a chance at succeeding with the false promise that if they just wait an ideologically perfect piece of law will be written.

This is the real problem here. It doesn't matter what kind of initiative you write because it's never even going to make the ballot. The only point of writing initiatives like this is so you can hold them up and say "don't support real legalization, instead support prohibition and one day we can vote for my bullshit". But your bullshit is never going to make it on the ballot. So the result is that prohibition continues thanks to people like you.
"That has never been a "human right" "

oh DK, wtf are you talking about, its always been a natural born human right except in eras when idiots like you decided to ignore such and moved to outlaw or regulate a plant species...and to my knowledge the first peoples of this land that we now call "america" never did such a thing and could never even have imagined humans were capable of such, but you DK are living proof that some humans are.
further, i need not convince anyone of anything because that which i am saying, most folks already inherently know, and such is exactly why i think we will easily gather the 2,115 sigs needed to appear on the ballot...
in fact DK even the spokesperson for the norml effort has vowed publicly and privately that he will vote for our measure, and that also seems to be the consensus throughout most of the folks supporting that effort P(or at least all that i know of) ...
but if it were up to pps like you we would all just shut up and let you tell us how to live regardless of the fact that we are hurting no one.
DK, the more you post the more your true ideologies come into light so please give us more ;)


Well-Known Member
People can garden now. They just can't grow whatever they want where ever they want in any quantity they want. That has never been a "human right".
That's fucking ridiculous. Obviously you can't just go on someone elses land and plant shit, but on your own? You most certainly should be able to.

You're the prohibitionist here. You go out and try to convince people not to support legalization efforts that have a chance at succeeding with the false promise that if they just wait an ideologically perfect piece of law will be written.

This is the real problem here. It doesn't matter what kind of initiative you write because it's never even going to make the ballot. The only point of writing initiatives like this is so you can hold them up and say "don't support real legalization, instead support prohibition and one day we can vote for my bullshit". But your bullshit is never going to make it on the ballot. So the result is that prohibition continues thanks to people like you.
Actually, he's proposing a policy where it's a free to grow plant (I assume). You're the one proposing laws to regulate and then calling him the prohibitionist?

You're a good little lap dog. The folks who locked you up are now throwing you a bone and you're more than happy to take it. Even if it means you're still essentially in a cage and powerless.

This plant is a real threat to the power base. It has so much utility and potential beyond even just medicine, that it's absolutely mind blowing. Even more mind blowing is how ignorant so many who indulge in the drug form are of this.

The regulations will exist to benefit the current political and wealthy classes respectively, as it always is. Competition will be squelched. Prices will stay high. Awesome!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That's fucking ridiculous. Obviously you can't just go on someone elses land and plant shit, but on your own? You most certainly should be able to.
So if you live across from a middle school you should be allowed to have a crop of opium poppies in your front yard?

What about if you're a Monsanto farmer and want to plant massive crops that will destroy the soil and water tables? Do neighbors not have the right to have that regulated?

The type of freedom he's talking about is not the freedom to simply have a garden. He thinks it's a human right to grow whatever you want (which would include opium poppies) without regulations (which means unregulated commercial farming).

Humans have never had that right when planting crops has a potential to effect other people.

Actually, he's proposing a policy where it's a free to grow plant (I assume).
It's amusing how you guys call it "free to grow plant" as if there is no difference between types of plants. When you go into a grocery store do you say "I'd like to buy vegetable" making no distinction between types of vegetables?

Not all plants are the same. Pretending they are doesn't make it true.

You're the one proposing laws to regulate and then calling him the prohibitionist?
Correct. Because the initiatives I support actually have a good chance of passing. What he supports has ZERO chance of passing. He's on this forum pretending to write a ballot initiative for 2014 when it's already too late to submit one. He's a fraud.

All that does is give people the false impression that if they vote against real legalization his pie in the sky bullshit will be on the ballot next time. Except it never will be on the ballot because that requires a lot of money that he's never going to get.

The effect of that is that prohibition continues in part due to the false promises people like him present.

You're a good little lap dog. The folks who locked you up are now throwing you a bone and you're more than happy to take it. Even if it means you're still essentially in a cage and powerless.
If you listen to people like him those people will stay in prison forever and a lot more people will join them.

His "initiative" is phony. It isn't real. It's not on the ballot. It's just some bullshit.

Gavin Newsom is real. He gets shit done. He has a proven track record for standing up for people's rights. He just gave a keynote address on ending the drug war and you're acting like he's the enemy. Do you really want an end to the drug war? Reform doesn't come from patchouli oil and good vibes. It comes from people who act.

This plant is a real threat to the power base. It has so much utility and potential beyond even just medicine, that it's absolutely mind blowing. Even more mind blowing is how ignorant so many who indulge in the drug form are of this.
You don't need to give me a lecture on what cannabis can do chief. I'm a professional.

The regulations will exist to benefit the current political and wealthy classes respectively, as it always is. Competition will be squelched. Prices will stay high. Awesome!
The regulations will benefit people like me. People who treat this like a real profession instead of people who sit on their ass and complain.

Scared of big marijuana taking over? Get off your ass and start your own company then.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
There is a disconnect here between hobbyists and professionals. It's no ones fault, but hobbyist growers just aren't faced with certain realities that professionals are.

Spend 5 years in the industry in California and you'll understand why we are in desperate need of regulations here. There are some serious scumbags in this business. And there are some horrific products that people try to sell to dispensaries. They are unhealthy and unsafe. It can't just be a free for all. Complete freedom only works if everyone is a good person. The reason we have regulations is because some people are immoral pieces of shit. If you've worked in this business for several years, you've met some of them.

I dare anyone to walk into the Treehouse Collective, sit at their dab bar for a couple hours, then walk out and still have the opinion that what we need is freedom instead of regulations. Assuming you survive, you'll understand where I'm coming from.

Or look at the crap BAMF and HGH just pulled. They went around the state selling this revolutionary new product for $100 a gram that was solventless, 80% thc, with a full terpene profile. Turns out it was just winterized BHO with artificial flavoring in it.

Or just look at the sticky on this forum about dispensary owners taking product on consignment and just refusing to pay people and getting away with it.

This shit NEEDS rules, badly. Without rules you just end up with a bunch of sleazy predators fucking up the world for the rest of us. If that means I have to pay more taxes so be it.

Want complete freedom? Move to Somalia and let me know how that works out for you. There are no rules there. You can plant what ever you want, do what ever you want. There is no government to control you. Send me a postcard from Mogadishu.


Well-Known Member
That's fucking ridiculous. Obviously you can't just go on someone elses land and plant shit, but on your own? You most certainly should be able to.

Actually, he's proposing a policy where it's a free to grow plant (I assume). You're the one proposing laws to regulate and then calling him the prohibitionist?

You're a good little lap dog. The folks who locked you up are now throwing you a bone and you're more than happy to take it. Even if it means you're still essentially in a cage and powerless.

This plant is a real threat to the power base. It has so much utility and potential beyond even just medicine, that it's absolutely mind blowing. Even more mind blowing is how ignorant so many who indulge in the drug form are of this.

The regulations will exist to benefit the current political and wealthy classes respectively, as it always is. Competition will be squelched. Prices will stay high. Awesome!
OGEvilgenius, here is a link to the text which is of course wholly misrepresented by DK as you have well observed and exposed:

DK, every off point diversionary 'argument' you put forward only goes to show your true colors...try maybe showing us the parts of the proposal that justify any of your statements into relevance and i'll respond to such points (if valid) directly one at a time :)