help! making fem seeds (critical jack auto x strawberry cough )


Well-Known Member
help! making fem seeds (critical jack auto x strawberry cough can any one give me some advice bolth plants are 5 weeks old i started spraying cj auto 4 days ago with silver sol by now brand it was all they had for sale at the health food store its 10 ppm silver will this work and how long should it be untill i see hermi male flowers ? also because silver sol is safe to consume would it be safe to smoke the plant ? any wisdome would be helpful thanx

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
if you cant get colloidal silver then stressing the plant till it hermies is the best way to get fem seeds, but the females you get will be more likely to hermi if you use manual stress to make it herm instead of colloidal silver. rub the silver on the stems where the buds are. if you have a CS immitation or another form of it then just play the waiting game.


Well-Known Member
if you cant get colloidal silver then stressing the plant till it hermies is the best way to get fem seeds, but the females you get will be more likely to hermi if you use manual stress to make it herm instead of colloidal silver. rub the silver on the stems where the buds are. if you have a CS immitation or another form of it then just play the waiting game.
is it worth it planting seeds that you got off a hermied female ,will most also hermie ?? thanks I have read much different takes on this.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
its worth trying. not all of them will hermie, ive seen people get close to 50 feminized seeds from self pollination and maybe a few showed signs of hermaphroditism. like 30% or less.