1st Autoflower backyard garden, multi-strain :D


Hey there, growers!

This is my first try at growing autoflowers, and I'm growing my legal medical limit here in Cali with the hope that they will finish flowering before my photosensitive crop starts. I think I have it timed right, anyway... LOL

Here are some pics to get started...

Haze 2.0 day 11 & 18
4.5 day 11 bench1.jpg4.12 Haze 2.0 Day 18.jpg

Orig Amnesia day 18, with a (replacement) side of Auto AK, day 9
View attachment 2615753

Pineapple Express day 11, 18
View attachment 2615759View attachment 2615760

Afghan Kush Ryder, day 18 with a (replacement) side of Sweet Tooth, day 9
4.12 Afghan Kush Ryder Day 18 w side of sweet tooth day 9.jpg

I'm also doing my own experiment with half in Firefox Ocean Forest soil and Roots Organic soil. They were all started in Light Warrior potting soil in solo cups and transplanted around day 10. The replacements had just been transplanted in these photos. I know I lost a little time from transplant shock because they all grew larger but really didn't develop new growth for a week. Anyway, we're back on track now, and they seem happy and growth has been exploding!

Any comments, questions or feedback is welcome! Have any of you grown these strains, and if so how did they do?

Happy toking!
~Sapphire :leaf: