why do white hairs on buds turn amber?


Well-Known Member
i know its because they are maturing. but why do they turn from white to amber and eventually brown? are they dying? or are they ripening. also what is contained in the hairs? more thc? i know most of the thc is in the the trichomes and to harvest based on them
thanks yall :leaf:


Well-Known Member
hairs turn brown as the plant matures - or they are pollinated...

It's normal. You will find the plant will throw out new pistols as the old ones wither and draw back into the bud as it finishes.


Well-Known Member
yea, she did get seeds. shes my only plant and outdoor. so its not my fault haha. rogue pollen must have drifted from ditch weed somewhere. also, seeds may have been formed from stress from when it got really hot it august and i couldnt wake my ass up early enough to water them :( they got a little dry for a couple weeks like every day. (which i think is what it is, because there arent a ton of seeds and the buds still look fire) oh well, got off subject
thanks guys
ill post pics of my girl later