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  1. O

    Herbalist and Blood Thinners?

    I have Cronic Blood Clots and I'm on Blood Thinners. Because of pain I'm to take Hydrocodone every 4 hours. Because of the Hydrocodone it is next to impossible to get another Doctor. I got to thinking bunch of Herbs effect my Blood. I might add I have Cancer and just started Cemo. I...
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    Cemo and Girls

    I was just reading what the American Cancer Society has to say on Cemo which I just started. Wondering if I should do anything with the girls and should I share when smoking?
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    Why Marijuana?

    I love the Lord very much. Since Marijuana has been made legal you can count on Preachers preaching how bad Marijuana is. Once again I believe this is man's law. They are against any Alcohol but still use Mouth Wash and Cough Syrup. And don't think about the fact people used the Alcohol in...
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    He Never Has Bugs

    Was talking to my Son. Told him I have Flea Beatles in my Peppers and he just looks at me thinking why do I always have Bugs? Maybe I'm more observant. Dealt with Leaf Hoppers, Fungus Gnats, White Flies, Spider Mites and now Flea Beatles and according to him I always have a problem and he...
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    Nice Day

    Son was celebrating his birthday. Shrimp Boil. Free Beer. Ate had a few Beers and ate a Cooky. Met my New Daughter in Law. She modeled for Playboy. Ok this is easy on the eyes before I pass. Heck if I had more than 3 teeth I might have done better.
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    Been eating Cookies that are interesting. Eat a Cookie then later was hungry. HMM left over Brawts, gone. Left over Potatoes, gone. HMM them Cookies were sure good. I forgot what the Cookies did to me but they were sure good.
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    Worm Castings

    I have about 20 pounds of Worm Castings. Didn't know anything really about them so I studied up. Man them suckers are good. HMM sell Worms and still have Castings.
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    Everyone Is

    We took Road Trip today I was wearing a Hat that said Happy Happy Happy. Stopped at a Station. Guy says you don't look Happy. I told him I was Happy everyone in Missouri should be Happy.
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    Keeping Cool

    Not keeping my girls as cool as I would like. So I was talking it over with my Son. I told him my plan. I said turn my Fan around so it is blowing room temperature air into the Tent. Take the Filter off so it will blow easier. Run a Hose between the two Tents. Have Fan with Filter pulling...
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    My Wife Gave Her 2 Cents On My Seed

    I have never had seed until now. My wife thinks I might of ordered Regular Seed instead of Feminized. Thinking of ordering Auto Seed from another company and see.
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    This Wasn't On Marijuana But

    Had problem with White Flies in my Greenhouse. Sprayed couple times with Neem. Still had White Flies. Yesterday Sprayed with mix of Dawn Dish Soap, Peppermint Oil and Water. Went in there this morning everything was White. Thinking dang that didn't work. Got to looking closer. They were...
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    Ok What Is This?

    Seen it the other day thinking it might be the start of a Leaf Fungus and sprayed it with Vinegar Water. Seemed to help but it is back. Girl Scout Cookies in 5 gallon Fiber Pots 720W LED Light. Three Weeks in Bloom. It don't rub off.
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    Could A Light Be Too Much?

    Got a 700W Updayday LED Light. Last Grow did good but one plant had Seeds. This Grow have a few Seeds. I have Basil and Peppermint with it for Bugs. They have never looked right. Have them in my own soil mix. 5 gallon Fiber Pots. Girl Scout Cookies, Clones from another Grower. 4X4 Tent. In...
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    I had three plants in one Tent and one of them had seeds. I cleaned the Tent with Alcohol and I broke limb off the other day. Let it dry ground it and found a few seeds. I'm wondering if I still have pollen in the Tent and if Peroxide will clean it out. It could be the Light it's a 700W...
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    Like A Bull In A China Shop

    Went seen my Granddaughter compete today. I got very stoned starting out for home. My Son said here is a museum let's go through it. See anything out I was checking it out like I was buying it. I mean kicking tires and all. Finally my Son came to me. Dad this is a museum you are not to...
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    That Was Interesting

    Found out you don't want to smoke a bowl and drink a Power Drink at the same time. And be turning Compost.
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    Could This Be A Problem?

    Thinking of growing Feminized and Auto together. Keep the Feminized in Veg until Auto is ready.
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    Went It Feels Good Tell Me What's Wrong

    Started using a simple soil mix. Don't see a real problem so far. 1 part Peat Moss, 1 part Vermiculite, 1 part Compost and of all things 1 part Top Soil. Mix in Microlife Fertilizer and some Lime. Went to water my plants today but plenty moist. I do have Onions, Basil and Mint around them...
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    Anti Social

    I like Edibles you can eat some and be going for hours. Plus use Trim to make them. I do smoke some but find it more social. Your Thoughts!
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    What Is He Thinking?

    My Son was helping me clean up my Tents. We are legally able to grow at most 18 plants. I'm Happy with 4 a grow. My Son Dad you should make that room a Grow Room.